
Girlfriend not allowed to speak with me? Stay or not to stay here? Confused..?

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By the way, I'm 14 going on 15, and she's 13 turning 14 next August..

Alright well, I've been having a long distance relationship with this girl for a while now, and we do have a history (we went out 14 months before, but that's not really the point..) I was angry at her for a long time and I couldn't find it in myself to forgive her until these past few weeks, and now that I've finally let my walls down her mother sees her laptop when she gets up to get something, and she's now forbidden from talking to me. She has gotten her friends to tell me how she's doing and stuff which made me feel a bit better, but It's not enough..

I miss her so much and my stomach feels really empty now that I can't talk to her. I think that she's my first true love and I'm really devastated right now..

I really hate feeling this way and missing her so much. At the moment I'm visiting some relatives and I'm only eight hours away from her, but if I move back to where I'm from I'll be at least three days away.. I have the option of staying or going back.

I really think I love her and want to stay geographically close, but I don't want to stay away from my mother.. Things might not work out of course, and then I'll be stuck here, never seeing my mother again except on holidays.. This really sucks..




  1. This is tough. I say email the girls mother, she'll respect you for trying to reason with her. But be polite, dont use swear words, be as nice and gentlemanly as you can!

    As for your mother, i think you should stay with her, and pursue a long distance relationship with this girl, after all, your mother will always be there for you.

  2. move on, you r too young to worry

  3. Try sending letters. Don't abandon your mother for some girl. You're still a boy, and you have your entire life to find the one you're meant to be with. You'll fall in and out of love thousands of times, trust me. When I was with my high school boyfriend, I thought we were meant to be, until I met the man I'm with today (I'm 22 now).

    It wasn't meant to be. Time will help ease your pain. You will love thousands of times -- you only get one family.

  4. Give it time Remember she is JAIL BAIT  Thank God she is not my granddaughter

  5. Perhaps, you two can keep in touch by sending gifts. Ask her friends to help you. Ask them if they can send her gifts to you with their mailing address so your girl's mother won't barge into her package. It's the bet i can think of. I'm in a long distance relationship as well. 11months, and still going. It's our love that keeps us together, not what others prevent.

  6. let me tell you something from my experience

    long distance relationships never work

    learn to let go and go home to your mother

    whats the point of being 8 hrs away or 3 days away

    you cant drive and you said it yourself her mom dont like you

    life is a cruel ***** sometimes and you need to learn how to deal with it man

  7. wow dude that sucks... well you are very young to be choosing girls over your mother... but love is love... so i cant decide for you must ask yourself what do you want to do... this is harsh though... but you must decide

  8. This is gonna sound harsh. But go, be with your mom. Your so young and you'll meet someone else. At 13 no girl is thinking forever and im doubting your really thinking forever. Just continue to email her every now and then, If she still wants contact with you, she'll find a way, wether her mom wants her to or not. dont stay away from your mom though. whether yu realize it or not, family is the most important thing. dont wait to realize that truth when you loose someone to death. go, be with your mom you only get one. girls, we come and go

  9. Looks like its the discision of your life time..

    Im sorry but I dont think Yahoo! answers can help you on this one.

  10. hey, my name sam and i had a similar problem, but i think you should go back with your mom. get in contact with her freinds that have been telling how she's doing and get a new e-mail yahoo, myspace, or what ever it is you used to keep in contact with her and tell her freinds what it is so they can tell her. and if you use to call her have her friends tell her to change your name on her phone. you might be only 8 hours away, but thats still vary far. if you and her are ment to be, than you guys will be together.

  11. long distance relationships never last

    you're not truly in love, you dont even know how she acts in real life.

    seriously people act different over the internet and phone than real life.

  12. DUDE your young, Go back don't stay either way your not very close. Im sure it might be a short while but you will get over it. And if you stay she still cant talk to you SO WHATS THE POINT. Good luck man your still young many more girls out there for you.

  13. She walks in beauty like a rich jewell in an Ethiop's ear....those lines come from Romeo and Juliette ! They were about the same age as you two.......and while this situation seems monumental I want you to think of this ! Believe it or not , your place is at home with your Mom.....under her umbrella you get fed and housed and clothed and can continue school but also so that you have something to offer your nice lady ! She also has to be fed and housed and clothed and needs her school ! I'd imagine you'd wear out you welcome at the relatives which would eventaully show on your face and cause concern for your lady ! !

    I have a sugesstion and take it or leave it ! Your nice lady's Mom is worried and rightly so as she is only 13 but why don't you E Mail the Mom and explain that you are staying home ....and that you would appreciate if you could text her daughter or phone on the weekends ! Ask her permission and explain your case ,get the Mom on your side by showing some maturity and giving her some reassurance that at the moment the relationship albeitb real is long distance ! Later as things get better for you and you are doing well perhaps at that time you can visit her ! At your age though and I know you don't want to hear this but ease off a bit and make sure you have your ducks all in a line first ! Hope that helps and I wish you all the best....she sounds like a nice girl ! *S*

  14. I know how you feel guy. My girlfriends dad said I'm not allowed to speak to her anymore and deleted me off her AIM and Myspace. The only way I'm allowed to see her is if i go to her BAPTIST CHURCH. This doesn't seem like a big deal to most but the problem is that I'm non religious. I've had my share of thoughts about ending it all but I couldn't do that to myself. Think it through before you do anything

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