
Girlfriend was told that after all the years we've been together, if I decide to break it up she can sue me..?

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Is this the truth??? My girlfriend had one of her d**n friends tell her that after all the time we spent together if I decide to call it off she can sue me for all the time she's wasted with me. Does that sound right??? Thank you all.




  1. which country do you live cause in most counties she can't

  2. Yes she can if you have reached the length of time to be considered common law married.  In some states this is just as binding as a marriage.

  3. I will sue you if you don't break up with that rocket scientist of a girlfriend. Is she impared naturally or by accident?

  4. Your girlfriend has some really bitter friends.  I can't tell you how rich I would be if I could sue my exes for pissing me off.  It doesn't work that way.  

  5. lol no.  People try c**p like that every day on the TV court shows and they get shot down EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Even if she bought you a car during the time you were dating, it'd be considered a gift and she couldn't even get something like that back from you.

  6. No. Just ask her, would she really WANT you to stay if you didn't want to, just because she could sue you?? It would be a pretty dumb law if there was one. NO.

  7. That really depends on the laws where you live.  There is something called Palimony, but I don't know much about it.  Only that it applies to couples who lived together for a long time and then split up.  Here's one website that gives a definition of Palimony, but if you type the word in google, there are quite a few.

  8. no she's messed up lol break up with her asap

  9. She can't sue you for breaking up with her, but if she brought things because of the promise from you of being married and together, she could possible sue for her items or her money back.  Say you two go half on a car, with the promise that this car is for when you are married and have kids.  If you two break up she could sue you for the half she paid.  Not saying she would win, but she could attempt.

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