
Girls, 2 questions?

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i wanna know from you girls 2 things. 1. have you ever had to slap a guy and did you get him? and 2. where did you learn how to do that? because i've seen it happen a couple times, and it always works. also, i've had 2 girls get me on the cheek, right smack, and there's no way to catch it, i can't. too quick. they always hang their hand back and before you can move, *slap*, every time. so have you done it and who showed you? sucks for us.




  1. 1. yes. and i dont slap, i punch. and yes, i got him.

    2. its basic girl instinct

  2. yes i have and no one i just did it cuz hes an ***

  3. Yeah, I've done it. I learned from one of my best friends.

    Easy enough question.

  4. 1. yes yes yes! it's delightful fun!

    2. one of my best friends demonstrates this wonderful past time quite frequently... i kinda just picked it up.  the technique and all that... }:-)

  5. Anger lol

    I've done it before 50/50 it worked I don't slap I punch!

    We use the art of surprise

  6. 1. no i've never had to, i dont hang around jerks

    2. if i had to, it's just kinda common sense how to. i could figure it out but i think a guy has to do something REALLY terrible to warrant a slap.

  7. LOL!!

    i have ;)

    i was never taught... i guess its in my blood


  8. I slapped a guy because he started to get all touchy touchy on me and I don't like it.

    Every girl will do this if they feel invaded. It's just natural. We do it because it is more effective than just saying stop, it tells guys to back off.

  9. Yes, I have slapped many a guy! The most recent was because he tried to grab my b***s while we were at the beach. It isn't really a learning thing...we are born knowing how to deliver a nice slap in the face! Yeah most of us have cat like "slap reflexes" so it is pretty hard to dodge. Your best bet would be to just be a good boy so you wont have to get slapped. Yeah sucks for you- sorry

  10. ha one time a girl slapped me so hard she had her whole handprint across my face for like 4 hours

  11. i slapped a guy once across the cheek. because he got me pregnant and then cheated on me with my best friend. i think he was fairly deservent of a slap.

    i really dont know where i learnt it. it was just a reaction i was so pissed off at him

  12. well u see u don't noe when it coming so get a head start slap them even thou u know they r not slappin whose boss and tell them every time when u slap them...there are more to come with that

  13. Haha, yeah, I've had to slap some perv that I had to be around on the ride to orchestra.

    I was never taught to do it, I just did. I also twisted his arm when he tried to put his hand under my butt. (You'd think the kid would take a hint after a while...)

    It's instinct I suppose.

    It was absolutely hilarious to see his face. *grin*

  14. No, I never had to slap a guy, buy boy, when he wronged me, I so did want to slap him!!!!!

    Where did I learn how to do that, problably instinctive, LOL!!!

    Why are you letting them smack you, honey, I would just duck, and then walk away, it is totally not worth it, but if you really want to do that,  and you see their hand coming towards your way, then grab it and take your other free hand and use that one!!!

    It is all in the reflexes!!!!!

  15. Ive slapped one guy once

    he grabbed my a$$ and i didnt want him too

    It just came as a natural reaction I didnt like practice it or anything

    If your getting slapped you prob deserved it

  16. ive slapped a guy and yes i got him

    he just got me really mad and i just had the urge to just like make him regret what he said and it just came to me to hit him somehow because there was nothing i could say that would make him feel sorry enoughh. no im not crazy [;

  17. yeah i did. i forgot what he did but i just slapped him and he was so surprised lol he was quiet for the rest of the bus ride home. AND he's older and stronger than me
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