
Girls, Do you think that I should tell her this?

by  |  earlier

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I am a senior in high school and she is a junior, we've known each other for four years now but only really started talking this summer. I love her, and she already knows I'm interested but said she only wants to be friends. Then she asked me to homecoming. So when we are there I want to tell her something along these lines:

"Talking to you over these past few months has been really great. I look forward to it all the time. I know that you only want to be friends and I would be more than willing to accept that if it wasn't for the fact that I think you are the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind person I've ever known. I can't stop thinking about you, and I really hope that you would want to give us a chance, because I can't rest easy not knowing how things could be."




  1. If someone said that to me, I'd probabaly make out with them then and there. HAHA

  2. I think that might be coming on a bit too strong, however, it may be influential if you tell her again that you really like her. It's great that she asked you to  homecoming, and you can use this chance to be around her. She knows you are interested, so if she is too, she will come to you.

  3. thats deep...if you really feel that way you should ask her. its best to know.

  4. aww that sounds amazing. if any guy ever said that to me i would definitely give it a chance and see how it goes. u sound so swweeet.. hope it works out -good luck! =]]

  5. aaaaawwwwwww!!!!! ure soooo sweet!

    good luck!

    i no tht if any guy said something like tht to me i would give it a change for sure ;)

  6. that is verrry sweeet

    but just think about any hints shes given you..maby she just dosent want to hurt your feelings by rejecting you..and maby she just wants to play hared to get

    goood luck

  7. yes i think that is really sweet. just bring it up at the right time. and dont make it awkward or pressure her. she wont like to be pressured into something she doesnt want but you can give it anohter try. do this when you are walking around outside togther and you two are alone so you can really talk to her and she wont be distracted. you should defiently tell her this. and do it in person. dont call her after the dance and tell her you need to do it in person. it will mean so much more to her and she will love it. and she might give you a chance. good luck i wish you the best.  

  8. awe! amazing. go for it! good luck (:

  9. that would be really cute :)

  10. Wow. That's really beautiful. You should definitely tell her how you feel. But wait for the right moment because you don't want to scare her.

    Hope you two get together and make a wonderful couple. Good Luck!! ;)

  11. go for it,good luck

  12. Woah man, i thought i was the only deep guy. u should tell her that.

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