
Girls, I have a question for you ..?

by  |  earlier

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K, Ive been acting really moody lately. Like, one minute Im happy and the next minute I feel like Im about to cry. I hate it! I just went back to school, so it could be the stress of that. The thing is, I only feel sad when I come home, which is really weird. At school I feel sorta sad, but mostly pretty happy! My mom said it could be hormones ..

Do you think Im gonna start PMSing soon?

Cause, I kinda did the same thing in July, I was really sad ..

Could that be my cycle?

What else could it be!?


b.t.w, Im in grade 8 ..




  1. yes listen to your mom

  2. it s hormones your mom is right dnt worry

    answer mine

  3. Just wear pantie liners that way if you do start at school your not embarrassed cause you have blood dripping down your leg.


  4. puberty?

  5. youre at the prime age.

    you should be getting your period soon.

    the hormones kicking in are totally normal!

    but yeah, "aunt flow" should be coming soon.

    good luck!

  6. go to a doctor. you sound kind of like your bipolar.

  7. Your mom is right, Moms are always right.

    Puberty and Hormones.

    Its all normal but try to control it.


  8. yessss. that is totally a sigh of pmsing. my friends can totally tell when i'm going to have mine because, i like freak out about little things and get mad and i get a really bad craving for a cookie lol. i also like cry and get sad about stupid things, but its normal so dont worry 8th grade is like a rly good time to get it .. i got mine at the end of 6th grade your luckyy. lol

  9. can you hormones?

    girl get used to it lol

    its life :/

  10. lol im in 8th 2 :)

    but yeaaaa ive had it sence well


    but thats probly

    y you r soo moody

    well at least thats what i do

    it does get aggravating

  11. ya i think it is premenstrual (unless u have started ur pierod alreay then it is PMS)

  12. Gurl, it's PMS. You need to start getting used to it, it will happen every month!!! Just, do your best to keep a smile on your face, and you will be fine. Really, really try. No one has to know. Good luck, have fun, and stay beautiful♥

    Additionally, make sure you bring some stuff with you just incase you start in school. I suggest wearing a pad everyday, because you don't want to be unprepared!

  13. id say its puberty time!

  14. your proablly getting your period.

    dont worry its normal

  15. yea i think ur etheir bypolar or just ur hormones

  16. def hormones. have you started your period yet? if not, you will probably have cramps soon, and then you will eventually start your period.

    answer mine too please? :];...

  17. it could be anxiety probleems. talk to a doctor

  18. me too and im feeling exactly the same dont worry i think it just our age lol! im in the same grade as u as well

  19. omg i am same grade and have gone through the same thing if you havent gotten your period yet its probably on its way!! good luck!!

  20. Omg I'm in 8th grade too and just the other day I just started crying,

    I wasn't sad at all and the day had been great.

    It's probably just PMS, it happens to everyone. =]

  21. Ughhh I got my period in July. It is no fun. I'm due in the 20's!! I have the worst cramps and I feel mad for no reasons lol. I cry every time I get my period that's how much I hate it!! Lol I'm in Gr.7 now btw. Be prepared for the cramps lol. Your gonna get it soon. Good Luck!

  22. most likely pms but could also be a depression. are u taking birth control pills? they can also cause depression.

    but from the sounds of it, it just sounds lkike plain old pms... nothing u can do about it except use it as an excuse that ur feeling a lil bitchy lolz

    welcome to womanhood =)

  23. yeah that happened to me when I started HS.

    Like when I got to school I was really happy, then when I got home, I felt sad and didn't want to talk to anyone. Don't worry, your probably PMS'ing :]]]

  24. yea that's most likely it...unless you're pregnant (lord i hope not).

    just walk outdoors to cool off and it'll make you think straight because no one's around, or go in your room and have a cry because it'll feel better once you've done it. you'll get through it has it's ups and downs (focus on the ups) =]

  25. Yeah your about to start your period. :/ i'm sorry.

    I'm really moody AFTER mine. i cry and take everything seriosly.

    BUT everyone is different so =]

  26. It's defiantly your hormones.

    Have you ever gotten your period?

    Don't worry it happens to every girl, especially at that age.

  27. it is probably your cycle because when i started i was really moody and my back hurt really bad. when your back hurts it is a sign. Are u having any problems at home? that could be a reason.

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