
Girls, can you tell me what to do...?

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to become a feminine guy?




  1. Move like a girl, this is the first thing you see that tells you a guy is feminine. There this Britney Spears fan on YouTube, Chris Cracker, he's the most feminine guy I can think of (I hate him but have to admit he's pretty) Copy him and enjoy!

  2. And, I thought that only the freaks came out at night.

    Dude, you keep posting this question and it's getting lame.

    Everyone:  Let's ignore him.

    Answer:  Buy a wig.


  3. wear pink panties? What kind of question is this, well besides strange.

  4. Lol, wear skinny jeans, make-up, especially eyeliner or "guyliner" as it's now known for men-wearing that can be feminine, but masculine at the same time. Grow your hair to your shoulders at least.

    :) Good luck, i guess xD

  5. i agree, go emo.

    but why would you want to be feminine???? masculine guys are freakin hot :):)

  6. Copy Emo Boys

    There Feminine (and hot)

  7. Buy a wig.

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