
Girls, do siblings ever have these things coming to them?

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I am the only girl of three older brothers, once in a while they rough me up. So once in a while i hit them in the balls cause I cant compete with them. I feel badly but its all i can do. Has anybody ever done this? why and what was his reaction?




  1. I shall assume they said "ouch, God___#$#@, you @(*#".

    Or the like.

    I was the only boy, my sisters do not have balls.

  2. Violence is never the answer, unless you have no other choice and your safety is at risk. But you do have another choice. If you don't want your brothers to rough you up tell them so. If they don't listen to you then don't hang out with them. If it got really bad (which from the sound of it it isn't, it's just a bit of fun) you can always go to the police if they seriously hurt you.

  3. Apologize.

    Were your parents angry?

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