
Girls, do you ever get used to guys staring at your chest or will it always be annoying?

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Just curious about the day and life of an every day female.




  1. I usually eyeball the guy and say in a loud voice "your eyes will fall out."

  2. I honestly don't mind I'm a 36C with a 24 inch waist but then again I'm only 14, and I used to be fat. But I don't like it if I'm trying to have a serious conversation with a guy, because I think my opinions are more inportant than my chest size.

  3. it's always annoying.

  4. Um, Only people that are whores get used to it. because they like the attention that guys give them.

    Most classic girls get upset and feel disrespected by it.

  5. I feel I should apologize for myself and other men who do this. I try as hard as I can to not stare at womens' chests, but for some reason it is incredibly hard not to, especially if they are showing cleavage. It is not really a habit, but almost like an instinct or something, and I am sorry as I am sure this gets really old really quickly.  

  6. yeah, i dont care anymore!  

  7. l think it comes down to human nature.

    Providing that it is done discreetly...l do not care.

    lt is when they gawk to the point that their eyes pop out of there head...that women get annoyed.

  8. it makes me so mad.

    im kinda use to it, like i know it will happen, but it makes me really uncomfortable and like an object, not a person.

    maybe its cause im young(15) but i look a lot older, like im 17 or 18 (no joke)

    so no im never completly use to it, but i know its a sad fact about men... i dont mean to offend you by my observation...

  9. It bothers me. I tend to have a bit bigger chest, so what I do is wear a scarf or ascot if wearing a low cut shirt.

    Most of the time, I wear tops that cut right before you see anything. Not even a line between my b***s or anything.

    For me modesty is prime. If you play your cards right and wait, maybe you'll get to see something...when I'm married. HA.

    I do see guys that stare, and when they do I snap my fingers and yell at them to look at my face.

  10. i ignore it, i dont let it bother me anymore unless im having a conversation and they are fixated on my chest i come out and say,hello attention here please,thankyou.

  11. both?

  12. I get used to it, but I dont find it annoying.

    All the short people though are level with my chest. Lol

  13. i get very um comfortable by that, i feel its very disrespectful to all women.

    plese asnwer mine;...

  14. It really depended on how much cleavage I showed but lately I've been a lot more modest so I don't really have this problem. It's one thing though if you are wearing a plunging kneckline and you don't expect guys to notice your b***s. Of course they will notice. What I really hate though is when you are having a conversation with a guy and he is "talking" to your b***s,especially if you're not even showing cleavage. That's really annoying.  

  15. I used to find it annoying but now i find it mildly flattering

    I used to be a 34 F and to be honest they were way over the top and everyone stared ha ha.

    But now as a 34DD i feel good about when guys look. it lets me know I'm still feminine looking even with out being "endowed"

    it just depends on the girl i guess

  16. We, the underendowed, never suffer from their ocular menace. Thanks for asking, anyway.  

  17. Men are shallow like that. When my husband is with me, men don't usually do that.

  18. if you look in my eyes  I know youRe being honest. stop staring down there. I know I have em. There's a difference between a glance or an accidental look (like looking to the side). but oogling tends to drive respectful women insane. And nervous.

    I usually say scarcastically "yeah, thanks for reading my shirt, you CAN read btw?"

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