
Girls, do you know any..?

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hiyaa x

do you know any good things to help with a period that dont make you gain weight like the pill cos i cant take this pain much more lol ty x




  1. Neurofen, or anything that contains Ibuprofen.

  2. Go and see your doctor he will probably prescribe you with something I also get terrible pain aswell and very very heavy periods I am going to get the merina coil fitted next thursday.

  3. Its all in the mind the pill does not make you gain weight  

  4. pain with period?!? i mean of course ther are cramps but whaaat?

  5. the pill doesn't make you gain weight.

  6. i just use motrin which is an anti inflamitory ... it works for me but not all..

  7. Anadin normally work, if not i use period pain cura heats they are fantastic you stick them to your knickers where the pain is it provides heat for 12 hours and it eases the pain i dont know what id do without them you can get them from most pharmacys here is a link so you know what to look for.

    If the pain is that bad seek a doctors advise i did and it turned out i have endemetriosis which now i have prescribed painkillers to help.

  8. hi hun!! try feminax theyre fantastic for period pain, me and my daughter swear by them......

  9. Try Feminax tablets of Boots' own make Paracetamol & Codeine - they are stronger painkillers (only available over the counter from a pharmacist) and are usually good for cramps etc.  Also, in Bodycare and some shops like that, you can get heat patches that you can stick onto your stomach, where you feel the pain and the heat can help soothe it.  Have a look in your local pound shop - you sometimes find them in there, although they will be advertised on the packaging for muscle strains etc but they do the same thing as a hot water bottle really.

  10. Hot water bottle

    sleep (lol)


    Eating grapes (apparently)

  11. a hot soothing bath to relax those muscle and stop them tightening the mucles  

  12. Try Motrin or Tylenol.

  13. the pill doesn't make you gain weight so much that you actually notice a difference.

    But the pill hasn't really helped me with teh pain either.

    Hot baths, and really hot water bottles lay down on you're stomach with it under you, just take some paracetemol, fast acting ones. If you're sitting lift yr legs up toward your chest. Those heating pads you can get for muscle pains for yourback ect. they can be handy. Exercise can also help, if the pains not unberable that you can actually move around haha.

  14. Whenever your on just take a pain killer in the morning. It should last the day. So you can get on with your life! :)

  15. Don't waste your money on the Pill, just use a heating pad and it will work. It won't take away severe pain, but it helps a lot.


    Hope I helped!

    P.S. Bananas are supposed to help for cramps too=]

  16. i hear that diet helps, i don't really know the details though! i usually opt for chocolate and a hot water bottle! :) maybe light exercise too, an add for always said so anyway... sorry i can't be more help!  

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