
Girls, i'm writing a book. I need Girl Opinions?

by  |  earlier

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I need short examples of stupid things guys have done to you as in trying to hit on you, get you drunk, etc

For example:

1. you have a BF but a guy tries to hit on you

2. a guy made you feel like you had to kiss him

3. a guy pressures you into s*x

4..ANYTHING. thanks again!

I appreciate stupid responses as well from the peanut galleryia




  1. I met what appeared to be a nice man at a writing lecture and we decided to go out to lunch after wards.  It was a decent meal, conversation was focused on writing and such.  Halfway through the meal he said, "Now how about we go back to my house and you show me those nice b***s of yours."  I smiled at him, asked for the check, told the waitress he'd be paying and I left.

  2. I was working at a resturant and had this one guy that stayed for most of my shift. He drank alot and was fun to talk to but i wasnt really interested in him. After my shift we walked around for a little bit talking and he started to get on my nerves because he was really drunk. When i wouldnt kiss him at the end of the night he started talking about what a big tip he gave me---and i was like what you think you bought some services with that tip. He was such a jerk i tried to give him his tip back and cursed him up one side and down another. He totally made me feel like some sort of prostitute. He tried to backpeddle and said thats not what he meant but he showed his true colors.

    In Highschool there was this guy who was trying to date me, my best friend, and one of her other really good friends at the same time. He even called me when he was on a date with one of the girls. We all confronted him and asked him if he really thought that none of us would talk to each other about him. He was pretty clueless.

    This is another good one, there was another guy in highschool who once again thought he was a player and tried to hit on me and two of my good friends. He got us each silver bracelets for christmas. When i was at the department store i saw the bracelet he got me. It was part of a gift box that came with three bracelets. So he basically got one gift and split it between three girls.

    Wow...i've met a lot of jerks :)

  3. This one guy who worked at Wendy's was hitting on me, and then soon the rest of his friends who also worked there started hitting on me and my friend, then they bribed us with free frosty's to get us to stay, but we had to leave. we took the free frosty's anyway on our way out  :)

    and of course we said "thanks for the free frosty's..." lol.

  4. A guy at my job was cheating on his girlfriend (who I was social with) with another girl I was social with and asked me out so in order to prove what I was trying to tell the first girl, I asked her for a ride one night she said she couldn't she had a date, so I asked him to give me a lift home after work so he told the first girl he had a family emergency, then she came back to me and said she could give me the ride after all and we'd go check out a movie.  When I told him I'd got a ride he went to the third girl who I had already invited to the movie with us.  Ultimately the first girl ended up with him.  jerk.

         Current boyfriend and I had a fight a big fight and he has decided that for a PS 2 or a Wii I can be forgiven.  He in essence wants me to buy his love.  I think I'm about done with him.


  5. The other day, I was driving home with my dog in the seat next to me.  I had to go through a toll bridge, and as I gave the man my money he said, "Who's that?"  and pointed to my dog.  I jokingly said, "Oh, this is my boyfriend!"  His response?  "Well, I wish I was him!"  lol

  6. 1.  your eyes look like a piece of heaven

    2.   I dreamed you into existance.

    3.  I thought I smelled a rose petal and then I knew where the scent is coming from, your here.

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