
Girls, i am just wondering...?

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girls, what do you think about guys who are quiet most of the time?

do you find them attractive somehow?

i asked my friend what was her first impression on me and she said her first impression to me was that im quiet, so i kinda got conscious about that.




  1. i don't know how old you are, But my mate is quiet too, I can tell you how he got my attention, he asked ? , about what i was saying , he didn't and still doesn't say much about himself, we have been together 2 years and are engaged now, ( some people think you being quiet means your not interested, or find them boring, ) do yourself a favor and ask a ? , or give your  opinion on the topic talked about & realize to agree  or disagree, let's that person know who YOU are , and , will in turn make you talk more by explaining your view, and let them know you care about their subject of matter! Quiet is good after 2 mo.

  2. I think there a serial killer.

  3. it will be different for every girl.

    but its true that the first thing girls notice is the guys manners & no wonder that the first thing noticed about u was that u were quiete.

    its not a negative thing...for me...i would be kind of interested in the "quiete" guy. but after i start a conversation if he's boring...than that sux..

    so...doesnt matter if ur quiete...just make sure that once u do start a conversation...make it interesting & funny.

    girls love men with a witty clean sense of humor.

  4. Depends on the girl. All girls have different attractions. But i would say that most girls are attracted to guys that are outgoing and funny. Probably not so much quiet ones. but every girl is different.

  5. most girls like the guys who r loud and funny and just easy to talk to. quiet guys are just as cool tho, most girls just dont really think to actually take the time to meet someone

  6. As long as you don't seem too shy when you are talking to someone and can have a normal conversation then yes, you can be quite attractive I think. As long as you are still fun to talk to

  7. It's okay to be quite sometimes, but quiet all the time is no good as deserve 100% focus. Keeping quiet means that your mind is drifting somewhere else, wwhichmight be a problem for the girl.I went out with a guy who kept quiet 50% of the time and I felt he was bored and it made me uuncomfortablefor me...and sometimes I felt stupid just hanging out with someone who doesn't talk.

  8. my boyfriend (used 2 be crush) used 2 be so friggen quiet n distant n shy @ school but that was only cuz it was school n we needed 2 get 2 know each other more. even if he was quiet i still liked him. i dont mind quiet guys. it may be hard 2 start a convo but if a girl likes u enough itd work out.

  9. Hot shy = arsse hole

    nerdy shy= Adorable!!!!

  10. there is nothing bad about that. just find a girl who talks your head off so you'll never have to talk lol. no really nothing bad its mysterious kind of s**y actually.

  11. I like guys that are quiet, but it's nice for them to be a little outgoing, too.

    But quiet is good. (:  

  12. I am not a talker and i always liked the shy quite cuties in HS. mysterious Plus being that i am not a chatter box i hate 100 mph talkers both guys and girls

  13. i love shy and quiet guys...u can tell they are extremely sweet nd romantic inside...i love it.

    i think its cute when u like a shy guy so u just smile at them and u feel this huge connectuon without even saying a word.


  14. Sometimes, he has to be cute to be quiet... but I don't approach them that much.


  16. There is an old saying, "It is better to close your mouth and have people think you are an idiot than to open it and remve any doubts." Some time it pays to simply be quiet. As long as you still can hold a conversation when your spoken to or asked some thing, who cares.

  17. If you are quiet because u are a good listener that's cool but if you are quiet because you are shy...not cute.   If you are just a good listener then make sure you smile & make a lot of eye contact.

  18. quiet or shy guys are cute!! they are the best kind out there. they are a good listener. they are still fun and nice to be around. and they dont have to show off like the loud and obnoxious guys. also quiet guys can be that they rather take action than talk! ;)

    hope this helps!

    good luck! :)

  19. What's that saying? You should worry about the quiet ones! lol but seriously...if you warm up a little and show her you're interested in her then it should go smoother.  

  20. Actually, I kinda like it when a guy is quiet.. makes them seem more mysterious which is hott :)

    Why do I get a thumbs down for stating what kind of guy I like? Stupid trolls.

  21. Guys that are quiet can be interpreted as mysterious.  That's if you're quiet but exude confidence...if you don't seem to have much confidence in yourself girls will think you have low self-esteem and don't talk much because you hide your feelings.  I personally prefer guys that are loud and outgoing, but that's my personality and I need someone that matches me :-).  Don't change who you are, though, if you are a quiet person, a loud girl like me isn't for you, the right girl to match your personality.  

  22. Personally i find it s**y. The guy i like is so quiet and its not just in public its all the time i live with him and you never know when hes around hes just that quiet.

  23. i actually love it when guys are shy. i think its so hot because they are so mysterious and cute.

    i usually fall for guys that are shy.

    as long as you can hold a conversation and are fun to be with..then its good(:

  24. it's not that bad, but a girl likes a guy thats more outgoing.

    try being more talkative to people.

  25. I find mysterious people hot. Seriously, if you can't tell what they are thinking, it makes them fascinating. There's a girl in my class who I can't take my eyes off of - she's very quiet, but subtly beautiful - and I'll just sit there and wonder what she's thinking. (I'm bisexual BTW, in case you can't tell)

  26. It really depends on the girl.

    Personally, I usually think shy or quiet guys are cute, as long as they can have normal conversations when they get more comfortable with people.

    But I know plenty of girls who only go for loud, outgoing, (obnoxious...) guys.

    So like I said, it really depends on the girl.

  27. I like quiet guys better than rowdy ones. I think they are more sensitive.  

  28. i dont mind quiet boys as long as they open up sometime...

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