
Girls, if I drove this car, would u date me?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Thats sorta a girl car. And I wouldn't date a guy just because he had a cool car. Acually if he had a cool car I wouldn't date him, not to be prej. hes probably a player. If he bought the car himself I'd be impressed though. I would date a guy that is polite to my parents, and friends, has a good rep. And that has the same interests as me. But if he is mean to my parents and friends I would not date him.

  2. roflmao

    Dude, just be true to yourself.  If you're that hung up on cars, then buy a hot one so you can attract equally shallow women.  If you want to be economical/green, then buy a green car and you'll attract green women.

    Good luck.

  3. Haha, well honestly I don't like the car but a car would not help me decide if I would date you.

  4. The car is a little girly but I would have to see it in person. And anyway, usually girls don't judge guys by the cars they drive.

  5. well if a girl wants to determine if she wants to date you by what car you drive, then shes def not the one. it shouldnt matter what car you drive if she likes you for you.

    but i like that car its nice, not the sickest ride ever. but no way near a VW bus -- which is the best ride out thereeee

    answer mine?;...

  6. It doesn't matter to me what kind of car a guy drives.

    Just as long as he has a car, and it's safe.

  7. I'd date the car.  lol

  8. Only shallow girls go for guys with nice cars.

    But if i was to be shallow my answer would be "h**l no"

    VW, Peugeot, or Jeep's would get you Girlfriends

    Bmw, Audi, Mercedes will get you laid!

  9. You can't use things to get a girl. Some would, but others look where the heart is.

  10. well it really doesn't matter. if the girl really likes you she wont mind being in that car. she'd be in it with you.  if the girl is only dating you because of your car then forget about her and move onto someone that actually likes you for you. good luck :]

  11. i love the car! could you get it in a diffrerent

    though i not sure if i would date him becouse i have know idea what hes like or what he looks like but...i dont know but i really do like the car

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