
Girls, if you meet an aquarian boy

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If he was good looking, cute, smart, interesting, nice, sweet, funny, exciting, adventerous, but 1on1 with him he would lock up, he seemed detached, and unemotional, and if you got close to him he wouldn't take notice of it, or disregard it.

Do you girls require to get to know him 1on1 etc (not how he acts in groups of friends) before you fancy him, and if you couldn't do it with 1on1 stuff and that would you move on?




  1. im a sag girl and happen to love an aquarian boy for 4 years. we're close now but he never really notice it, wow first 2 years was hard upto now, he have a crush on another girl and i sitll love him  

  2. ya, i would want to know him one on one

    for some reason i get along great with them

  3. id start to like him b4 we got to the  1 on 1 but once i realized it wasnt there id forget him

  4. i would first be his friend. but if he wanted to go out, he would have to be one on one with me. its hard to find a guy like that these days. lol.  

  5. Well I have dealt with Aquarians one on one. To me I think they act kind of superficial and phony.  ONe reason being is they act totally different when they are alone with you, and very different when they are around others. It's annoying and to me it just makes them look like a flake. But being that I am a Cancer, it is imperative that I get to know you one on one or else I won't trust you at all and you'll never get anywhere with me

  6. Well, I don't really know what to answer to this question--b/c I am quite the oddball.  Ok, maybe not oddball, but the whole question of how to carry out/conduct a "relationship" just bewilders/confuses me to no end--to the point where, sometimes, I don't even know where to begin lol.

    I notice a lot of air signs change COMPLETELY in between personal/group settings.....and some people take that as insincerity, but that is simply just they way some people are.

    My dad and I are both "airy".......when we are in the middle of an argument (no matter how violent or intense it becomes, if we are interrupted in the middle of our fight (by a member outside of the family)......both of us will change in the blink of an eye (to the point where we will pretend to have the best of all father-daughter relationships.....all in the coarse of about 2 minutes)......which to this day, still amazes/shocks my mother (who's convinced we're crazy.....).  After such an interruption, sometimes we will continue arguing or stop, depending on I don't know why.

    With that being said, I have a soft spot/weakness for aquarians in general.....b/c most of them are really smart (I have yet to meet a truly stupid aquarian, but I have met some rather dumb geminis and libras).

    In addition, whenever I stare into a pint of butter almond or butter pecan ice-cream, I can't help but think of male aquarian c*m/s*men.  Odd? Yes, yes it is.  Impossible?? I think not.

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