
Girls, in general what do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?

by Guest60331  |  earlier

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Girls, in general what do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?




  1. the chicken. it is the only thing possible. think about it....the bible says "and God created the birds of the air..." not the eggs on the ground. plus, eggs can't survive without warmth of the mother (or sometimes father) bird. so if the egg came first...we'd have no chickens....

  2. the chicken!!! evolution --> chicken --> egg..... or God --> chicken --> egg

  3. the chicken, through evolution.  They didn't evolve into an egg.

  4. The egg

  5. The chicken

  6. The egg.

    Dinosaurs had eggs long before chickens even existed.

  7. lol why can only girls answer this? anyways i went to a farm, and i totally saw it in action. it's the egg! how hard is that?

  8. a circle has no beginning

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