
Girls, is it hard to be a girl?

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I'm a boy and lately I've been having this feeling that women don't really care about men. I feel women have to deal with alot in life like periods and getting pregnant and lots of other things and guys don't really have any of that. Sometimes I feel really inferior or guilty that I don't deal with this stuff. I've always been more sensitive towards women's issues. I even had a dream where I was a girl and I was having my period lol. Nut I just really feel bad about this. Is it hard to be a girl?




  1. Yes I think it is.. but then again, I have never been a guy so what am I comparing it to. :)

    It is difficult though

  2. sometimes

    but i like it

    i wouldn't rather be a guy

    like yeah, you have to shave your legs like every other day

    and you can't burp

    and all these womanly issues

    but i wouldn't trade it to be a guy.

  3. yeah, sometimes i wish i was a guy- they have it so much easier they don't have to worry so much about how they look or how to protect themselves, or about things like getting pregnant or having your period, stuff like that.  Just listen to Just a Girl by No Doubt

    Take this pink ribbon off my eyes

    I'm exposed

    And it's no big surprise

    Don't you think I know

    Exactly where I stand

    This world is forcing me

    To hold your hand

    'Cause I'm just a girl, little 'ol me

    Don't let me out of your sight

    I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite

    So don't let me have any rights

    Oh...I've had it up to here!

    The moment that I step outside

    So many reasons

    For me to run and hide

    I can't do the little things I hold so dear

    'Cause it's all those little things

    That I fear

    'Cause I'm just a girl I'd rather not be

    'Cause they won't let me drive

    Late at night I'm just a girl,

    Guess I'm some kind of freak

    'Cause they all sit and stare

    With their eyes

    I'm just a girl,

    Take a good look at me

    Just your typical prototype

    Oh...I've had it up to here! I making myself clear?

    I'm just a girl

    I'm just a girl in the world...

    That's all that you'll let me be!

    I'm just a girl, living in captivity

    Your rule of thumb

    Makes me worry some

    I'm just a girl, what's my destiny?

    What I've succumbed to Is making me numb

    I'm just a girl, my apologies

    What I've become is so burdensome

    I'm just a girl, lucky me

    Twiddle-dum there's no comparison

    Oh...I've had it up to!

    Oh...I've had it up to!!

    Oh...I've had it up to here!

  4. that's very sweet of you!!!!!!!!! :)

    what i feel is.......... i am  a girl and i am my self. and how can being your self is difficult?

    being a girl is being your self.............

    about periods and pregnancy.............. that's all natural!!!! giving birth to a baby is one of the best experience a woman can have a way we are privileged to have it

    i don't think its difficult  

    and caring about men that's different thing........ men and women are complimentary to each other...... so they are different from each other.............. for both getting along together is easy if they except this difference

    please don't feel bad about us just understand that we are different from you............. :)

  5. He** yeah, just think about if you were taught from an early age that if your not desirable to man then your not worth anything. Women have to think about image twenty four seven cuz it effects a womens social life, job opportunity, love life, and much more. I could go on. Men can travel alone or go for a run at night. Men can get older but still be desirable its the opposite for women cuz we gotta stay youthfull. Blahh

  6. your very sweet. i personally find it hard to be a girl but guys have their problems too you know. im glad you thought of it.

    for the most part we care but i get really unstable emotions and need a guy or stable girl friend to bring me back to earth.

    men and women balance each other.

  7. Well, is it hard to be a boy?

    I would have to say that in my experience, being a woman, there is no comparison of who has it easier unless you've experienced both. I think that the only people that would have an idea about this would be transgendered people.

    When you're a man, or a woman, you don't completely understand the other side. Because I've never experienced what it is like to be a man, I have completely no idea if it is easier. Men have to deal with many things that women do not have to deal with, things most of us don't understand or can't imagine dealing with - getting someone pregnant, being "tough" and even morning wood!

    So either way, you are what you are. And that is it. Unless you're transgendered and if someone who is reading this is, I am curious as to what you have to say!

    **commenting on another answer = Men also have to worry about looking good, having money and such to be desirable to women. They are influenced just as much by the media as women are.

  8. Yeap... girls just want to have fun!

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