
Girls, isn't it embarrassing...?

by  |  earlier

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When a guy, weather it be a relative, or just any guy, asks you why you are not fasting during Ramadan.

they just don't get it i guess.

and it gets really awkward.

by the way, when i said girls, i know that probably attracted a lot of guys to open this question.





  1. No one ever knows that I'm not fasting well except for my husband.

    Not even at work I do not eat at work when it is Ramadan.

    At home I eat if I'm alone.

    or with sister/mom etc.

    Just to avoid that awkward feeling.

  2. Haha, it doesn't embarass me much, we all know about periods, even boys are taught about it in school now. Unless it's a close relative, then it's just awkward lol.

    But, what's even more ebarassing, is when your teacher asks you why infront of the whole class... It's just weird with boys and girls there announcing your periods lol, Gosh I hate it haha.

  3. Yah, I agree, I usually appear to fast any ways, like I wake up before fajr to eat and all, but of course i dont actually fast, i drink water through out the day, but i feel left out and bad if i eat in front of anyone who is fasting, boy/girl, and i would ESPECIALLY not eat in front of a guy, cause they'll be like what the heck, and i dont wanna answer any questions. my older brother has bothered me for years, always asking, "so your SICK again, huh?" and then shakes his head, and last year i got really pissed of and i told him do you REALLY wanna know? do you? its b/c i CAN'T!! now leave me alone. and he's like oh, why didnt u just say so, and i'm like ukhhhhhh ur wierd, cant u see why it would be a little awkward? and prayer is the worst when they say i didnt see you pray, and i'm like i'm not lying or any thing, (and I am...) haa

  4. Only ignorant people will ask.

    Do not pay attention to them.

  5. Yes, I also think it's rude if they ask if you've prayed today or not. Because if you said no, they will know your on your period!i

  6. yes. esp when they KNOW your reason but they just want to make you feel embarresed. the only way i get away with it is by saying im sick then leave.

    and yes they will be like

    oh did you pray today? if u say no theyll be like OOHHH Bad muslimah...then start laughing their haeds off. i jjust say yep, before you!

    and i dont eat when im not fasting. i act normal.

  7. OMG, it's SO embarrassing. I was at my arabic class, and the teacher is a man. He's from Yemen, and we had to read Qur'an in that session. My 2 friends were on their period. The teacher told them to read the Qur'an. It was SO embarrassing. So they excused themselves to see the headteacher of the school (woman) and explained the situation. But sometimes, men just DO NOT GET IT! Like last ramadan, I was on, and my gran was just telling the whole world if you get me. She was telling EVERYONE why I wasn't fasting. So embarrassing

  8. No 'cos we never eat in front of them... Once though my cousin brother caught me drinking Lucozade and he was shocked but walked away, he figured it out. We do everything the same with the men and the rest of the family during Ramadhan, like wake up for Suhoor and eat with them and do Iftari with them, to join in the Ramadhan spirit. When we're home with mam and sisters we eat normal.

  9. Yes,it is. so I normally do not eat  in front of them so ,they are always like as if m fasting. I just don't tell them that m not fasting ~!

  10. lol yes!

    i have to eat privately if the male family members are around lol

    once my dad asked me why i wasnt fasting and my mum's like "oh she forgot 2 wake up" my dad was lyk wth haha =]

    my dad also shouted at me this morning for not waking up for fajr but its not my fault =S

  11. haha...nah i dont eat infront of they tend to think i am fasting..

  12. I know.. sis! Especially when its cousins older than youu :%

    Gah.. it sucks when I'm on.. I hate every minute of it : (  

  13. lmao..thats so true...u have to come up with some excuse like, "umm.. my stomach has been hurting the whole day" or " i have a fever"

    i still wake up and eat because my brother would question me so i have to go with the flow, lol :P

  14. haha lol

    yeha i agree with you sis

    i tell some girls (the smaller ones) that you will find out when u grow up

    but they boys...well i just dont answer them!

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