
Girls, should I believe my girlfriend's friend?

by  |  earlier

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A couple of months ago I got drunk and ended up sleeping with a girl I met at a bar.

My girlfriend found out. She went mad and said we were over.

However, now it seems she's ready to forgive me, but one of her friends has told me she just wants to get nasty revenge on my nuts when I'm asleep. What do you think she means by this and should I worry about it?




  1. trust me ive been lied to before trust her friend save your balls

  2. If you couldn't stay faithful, it wasn't the right relationship.

    I don't know if she intends vengence or not, but you two obviously should just stay apart.

  3. First off, I don't think the friend should be getting involved unless she is your good friend too. Secondly, if you dated the girl for a good amount of time I think that you would be able to tell if she was being honest about wanting to forgive you or not. If you are wanting a relationship with her and believe that you won't hurt her again and she trusts that then I say why not give her a second chance. And about the nuts issue.. If it was said I am sure that she would not act on it.

  4. dont go there dude! if her friend says this, its not worth the risk! she may very well want to pull a lorena bobbitt on you. is it worth it bro?

  5. Probably your ex-g/f is a feminist.

    She *will* attack you. Beware.

  6. im not a chick but dude, i think u should run.

    that or try it out and sleep with a cup.

  7. Watch out! She might kill you!

  8. Why don't you just save her the trouble and cut off your own nuts instead?

  9. Mate, you screwed up, but don't let her near the family jewels.  If she does do any harm (assuming you are foolish enough to let her near the goods), then have her charged.  Sure you hurt her, but that does not mean she has the right to cover your nuts in bitumen paint or dipilatory cream, or any number of other nasties I can imagine.

    I cannot agree with what you did, but don't give her the chance to hurt you.

  10. well she either means that she can't stay out of yours and your girlfriend's relationship or she means that she intends to intefere with your relationship

    maybe your girlfriend wants to rearrange your bits - maybe she doesn't

    but she won't be impressed either way if you take the word of her friend over hers.

    talk to your girlfriend. that should be your first and last port of call - not some friend of hers that you may or may not know that well

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