
Girls, tell me, how can I...?

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become a feminine guy?




  1. What would ne the purpose of that. Being a male/ masculine is some thing you are obviously born to be. So what makes you not want to embrace that? Perhaps your im over analyzing your question, but if it's not something that comes naturally to you then why are you trying to be some thing that your not. Sound like your not being fair or true to your self.

  2. wait, what?  

  3. Care more about your appearance.  

  4. flirt

  5. buy a wig and wear make up, pluck your eyebrows, shave your face more, and pitch your voice a whole lot higher!

    i hope i helped you out today!!!

  6. OH WOW!!! thats kinda gayy...but if that is wat u wana do then...wear lip gloss, tighter clothes, and care more bout how u look!  

  7. um...well...dont.

  8. keep yourself well groomed!

  9. The thong awaits you.

  10. woah!

    wasn't expecting THAT!

  11. hang out wit more girls and start acting like them, just make sure ur not hanging out wit tomboys

  12. Well first of all. I think you should get in-touch with your feelings and the feelings of the people around you. Even inanimate objects like plant life. Women wear their feelings on their sleeve. If you  can find a way to care about everything and will be more feminine. In theory that is. Good luck  ...

  13. Don't..

    Why do people keep asking this ?! O.o

  14. Take interest in how you look.

    Have more girl friends.

    Be clean; not dirty.

    Always smell good.

    Shop more often.

    Don't be a typical guy.

  15. Flirt with guys as much as straight, girly-girls do! =D

  16. 1. You could try to be more sensitive about things.

    2. Get in touch with your feelings.

    3. Don't cuss or use vulgar language constantly.

  17. Okay, make some girl friends not like dating type, but anyways start reading fashion magazines to update their look, they'll totally love you for it. Then you need to like be more into what's going on. Take photography or be on the yearbook staff.  

  18. wear makeup

  19. be a nicer person, act more caring, wear a lighter color anywhere from once around a month or a week

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