
Girls, what do i do?

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Ok well i started my peirod like 1 1/2 years ago and my mom found out like 1 year ago. And she bought me 2 packs of pads. But i hate pads cus they always leak through and make a mess. So i always did this thing where i would fond up some toilet paper and put in in between the flaps (it works really well) its comfortable and not messy. Anyways i dont know what shes thinking, does she think im weird for not using the pads, what do i say when she asks me or how do i ask for more when i do run out? I just dont like talking to my mom about that stuff, its weird. Thanks & please help.




  1. i dont have a problem with talking to my mom about it at all, shes a lady.. she's been there and done that... if you cant talk to her about it, then who can you talk about it with? just tell her how you feel about pads .. there are other things you can use :)

  2. You can't have that heavy a period if you can just roll up toiler paper.  Not knowing your mother it's hard to say if she thinks you're weird?  My mother started me on pads and I asked her if I could try tampons, she didn't see a problem with it?  It's more difficult if you're relationship is strained like yours is but she should know how you feel. Good luck

  3. I guess it depends upon what kind of relationship you have with your mother, but I don't know why you'd feel uncomfortable talking about your period with the woman who gave birth to you.  If necessary, find another woman you feel comfortable talking with about such things to pose your questions to.  Your mother supplied pads, because she thought that was the best thing to get for you.  You could just let her know that you really prefer tampons, and ask if you could get those instead.  Remember, it's your body and you need to take care of it and make it comfortable!  Good luck!

  4. yeah it is weird nobody like talking to their mom about that just get a tampon tell her u preffer that its like the same thing as the toilet paper but safer
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