
Girls, what do you think of a guy like me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, have blond hair, I am 6 feet tall, I'm a freshman in high school, I weigh 150, im kind of quiet, I've never had a GF before, I'm shy around girls, I'm a virgin and plan to be one until I marry a girl that I truly love with (I go to church, so that's my belief), and I am a huge sports fan.

I also get good grades (I plan to go to college), and I rarely ever get in trouble at school.

By the way, I also play basketball (though I'm not very good at it) and I like the outdoors. I also listen to country and rock.




  1. you sound like a great guy :)

    and thank you for the good grammar!  

  2. It sounds like your the all around kind of guy!!

  3. I'mm 15 andyou'd'd be the perfect guy for me! relly seriously i think youd be a great boyfriend! unlike most guys these days!

  4. Wow...

    That's uber hot...

    Don't ever change.


    Stay shy cause that's uberly cute... :)


  5. relax what is pland for you will come along when you least expect it, your young yet you seem to have good morals dont follow the crowd and be another sheep stand tall, be the sheep dog that meens your in charge of your life and no one else, just enjoy each day ,i bet oyu have good frieds keep them close, good look walk a strait line you will get what you want. TTFN.

  6. sometimes i wonder if there are truly any good guys out there, but u confirmed that there are.

    by the way u sound gorgeous ;)

  7. man...

    you sound like a really nice guy to be with

    good me answer this question!!

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