
Girls, what is the worst thing that you've gotten caught in your hair?

by  |  earlier

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Just a random question, thank you for answering.




  1. chewing gum lol

  2. chewing gum!

  3. A rubber band, I mean a RUBBER one, It had all my hair in it as a pony tail, that twisted and tangled as I was pulling it out, (after I slept on it) after pulling and tugging, and pulling my own hair out, I had to cut it out..along with some hair..  :/

    Use cloth covered bands!

  4. Nothing could be worse than ' chewing gum'.

  5. spider webs.. it was horrifying! my hair was blonde at that time.. and i couldn't tell the difference between my hair and the spider webs.. it was stuck on my face and all over my head.. ewww.

  6. dam bat came up out of nowhere!  

  7. Chewing gum.

    I told this girl who was a major Hillary Duff fan that H.D. couldn't sing so she SMOOSHED it into my hair! I was so angry that I was seconds away from tears.

  8. bird ****

  9. chewing gum. this girl threw it and it landed in my hair  

  10. Either gum or sea creatures -- both were sticky and hard to remove. =)


  12. Chewing gum it stuck and I can take it back so I need to cut my hair LOL


    Bird p**p

  13. I have long hair, what else but his zipper that got caught in my hair.  It was a great place to get my hair caught.

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