
Girls, what is your impression and experience of Pisces guys that youve met?

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Girls, what is your impression and experience of Pisces guys that youve met?




  1. Some of the most generous men I've ever met.  Very smart!  Willing to work hard for what they have.  The ones I know also seem to be the "no-nonsense" type.  

  2. the sign doesnt matter to a gurl

  3. Well I do have some Pisces guys as friends we  get along great. (i'm a Cancer). But the only Pisces I ever dated was way too possessive and tried to kill me. But other than that I think they're cool.

  4. I attract a lot of Pisces guys. I seem to be attracted to a lot of Pisces and Libra men.

    Anyway, Pisces are a little emotional and moody. They change their minds a lot too. Pices guys can be affectionate and loving. They like to enjoy life. Great sense of humor. They like to spend time with the girl they are dating, but love hanging out with the fellas.  

  5. same thing happend to me im a cancer too i have a best friend whos a pisces born march 19 and he's my ex but now were best friend he's honest and fun to be with but my ex that was born feb 27 or sumthen was crazy as h**l tried to kill me n him self  multiple times abbusive and annoying and a stalker...but he was smart even though he never had a job or did anyhting productive he just messed up girls lifes all day a big liar n cheater but not every man is the same so im not speeking about all pisces men and the pisces girl never liked me for some reason  

  6. Too soft and sensitive for me. The ones I've met have been short. I'm attracted to tall men. =)

  7. we are very nice guys , thank you

  8. They annoy me. All pisces people annoy me. they cry for no good reason, give you too much sympathy, it´s not sincere and I think they´re quite dull.

  9. i dont pay attention to sign or watever u call it

  10. UGH!

    I went out with one and he was sooo sensitive and boring.

    He was unintelligent too.

    He was lazy too.

    And shy.

    Was average looking.

    But he listened to me and was very sweet.

    BUT I am a leo girl so it could just be me :)    !

    Maybe all of them arent like that...

  11. well im a pisces GIRL but idk if ive actually talked 2 a pisces GUY ever, but us pisces have many great qualities, not 2 brag.  

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