
Girls, what would you do, if your boyfriend, was having s*x with you and he had no protection and you told him

by  |  earlier

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not to ejaculate inside you, and to tell you if he was about to, but he didnt and instead, DID ejaculate inside you and made you pregnant and ruined your life, what would you do to him?




  1. well there was protection and it slipped off. So it wasn't either of our faults but I cried for three days even though i took the morning after pill. THERES AN OPINION FOR YA!

  2. Well tbh if i was really serious about not getting pregnant i would use a condom, but maybe it was a spur of the moment thing, if i asked him to take it out and he didnt & it resulted in me gettin pregnant...well i suppose id be...pregnant ha well theres not much you could do, we would both be to blame!  

  3. actually, its the girl's fault since she didn't check to make sure he used protection.  

  4. i would put him on child support make his azz take take care of his baby.. and mayb chop of his d**k

  5. I'm so thankful that you decided to add in "additional details" that this never happened, or else I would have been VERY worried. I would go back and talk to my family members and get their support and suggestions. I then, would charge him in court for "ruining your life." I would then take care of my child, because i'm pregnanat, and make sure that it is safe and secure.

    Does that help?

  6. I Would make sure he couldn't have anymore kids eva again :D

  7. Well is is partly your fault too.  The "pull out method" is no method at all, just stupidity.

  8. Well I would be mad but at the same time the people should be using protection if they don't want a baby.So both would be just as much at fault and the person should be just as mad at themselves as they were at their partner.

  9. Your story has all the blame on him, you first need to keep you pants on.  Having s*x is also your responsibility, you would have ruined you own life.

  10. Smack him! Then make him tell his parents. And if I decided to keep the baby make him pay child support.

  11. Well you take that risk when you are having unprotected s*x. Pull and Pray is a lousy birth control method. So I couldn't be mad because, I know the consequences of having unprotected s*x! you can get pregnant!

  12. You know, it's rather hard for men to control their timing with that. You shouldn't have been having s*x without protection to begin with, you knew the risks so it's your fault.

  13. Well, my boyfriend knows how I feel about that, he always pulls out in time.

    But if he didn't, I probably wouldn't talk to him for a good while.

    And he'd have to apologize.

    And then if I was pregnant, he'd have to be there the entire life of that baby.

    If not, I'd make his life h**l.


  14. Babies are a blessing and they did not ruin my life (but that's just me some people are not ready to accept the consequences of having s*x)

    I have told my bf many times to pull out, knowing that it didn't matter if he pulled out i could still get pregnant but it was only because i didn't want the *** to make a mess, most of the time he listens to me, sometimes he doesn't which in the end doesn't really matter to me.(we don't use condoms because they give me infections and he can't feel anything with them on, i am on birth control pills and we have only been with each other in the sexual side of things so i don't need to worry about getting any STD's)

    Use protection because the pull out method is not a form of birth control, that's how i got pregnant the second time. And it takes 2 to make a baby so both are at fault.

  15. I'd NERVERRRRR have s*x without a condom! that's just stupid. I refuse to be another statistic. lol

  16. the story of my life, That's how I got pregnant with my 7 yr old daughter. I wasn't happy then, but i had her and I  so happy that I had her.

  17. I would be more upset that he didn't listen to my requests than the fact that I ended up pregnant.  I would expect to end up pregnant if I had unprotected s*x.  I would have told him from the start that if he wanted to have s*x with me then he would have to get to the store for some condoms or he wasn't going to get any.  Anyway, it takes two to make a baby.  This whole situation was handled poorly by both parties, so I wouldn't blame it entirely on him.  I would take responsibility for my actions and make him take responsibility for his by claiming child support.  

  18. i just woundn't be in that postioin becuse im not going to have s*x wiht my boyfriend becuse im going to have s*x with my husband when i get one.

  19. Its both of your fault.  You shouldnt have s*x without birth control unless you are ready to have kids.

  20. I would kill him with 56 spoons.

  21. Did you know he was not wearing a condom when you began having s*x?  iT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE PROTECTION IS WORN TOO YOU KNOW.  He didn't ruin your are just as guilty as he is.

  22. Stop before anything happens.

  23. i would kick his *** (lol i am so not joking) and tell other girls about him...and im pretty sure that when they found out that he got you pregnant that he would be having s*x for a while but there is really no way to get revenge. i mean the damage is done...only god can give him the revenge he deserves.

  24. well your stupid  cause pulling out doesn't work so after you sucked out your baby or pushed it through your v****a i'd sew your vag together and snap his d**k in half

  25. If a girl is having s*x with a guy knowing that he doesn't have protection then it is just as much her fault as it is his. Also even if a guy pulls out there is still pre-ejaculation that can get a girl pg. So the smartest thing to do is to not have s*x unless you use protection.  

  26. Well, I wouldn't really blame the guy since from what I've heard, it takes a lot of self control to not ejaculate, so he probably couldn't help it or something, whatever, I'm not sure about that. But if he was your boyfriend you should be able to tell if he was able to control himself or not. I think the girl is to blame for not using protection since well, everyone knows the pull out method is not a form of birth control. (Also when I say you, I don't mean, you I mean, who ever it happens to

  27. Make him pay child support ! And F### his brothers and friends.

  28. ha ha ha no c*cks come near me unless they are wrapped up . girls own fault , she was an idiot , he doesn't need to *** to get her pregnant, this guy was a blatant waster.

  29. u prolly shldnt hve had unprotected s*x with him.

    but um. idk wat i wld do. prolly be a lil mad but i mean

    idk. thats y they make [[condoms]]. :]]. strt using them!

  30. Men can't control when they ejaculate, this girl would be an idiot.

  31. not alot you can do to him now. You should have pulled him out before he even got close to being done and told him you didn't want any babies. Its not just his fault i'm sorry to say.

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