
Girls, what would you think if yer guy friend did this?

by  |  earlier

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my friend said she had fainted the night before cuz she hadnt had anything to eat. while she said this, i stared in her eyes (seemed like an eternity) to show her i cared, and i offered to buy her lunch. i was hoping she would be impressed. thats when i realized that what im feeling is not lust, but more. do you think i made it obvious? how would you react?




  1. No, try telling her.

  2. tell her how u feel

  3. i would think he had atleast some feelings toward me...

    but i do that sometimes too...when you look someone in the

    eyes it means your paying attention to what their saying..

  4. no, you didn't make it too obvious but you did let her know something was there. just keep doing that kind of thing and eventually she will fall for you if she hasnt already

  5. that was very sweet of you, for now just be her friend and keep doing what your doing. Then ask her out on a date if she says no then leave it at that dont force anythin on her

  6. If your naturally a good friend, then I think she would just take as a friend to friend thing that all her other good friends do. I don't think its THAT obvious, unless she's the type that think every guys in love with her, then she knows. It depends on her personality mostly.

  7. No you didn't make it obvious! I would be flattered that my friend cared bout me to buy me lunch after they heard that.

  8. you really like her??? i would be like sure feed me...or oh no it doesnt matter dont worry....if i was the you like her??

  9. wow..that's so sweet..I'd be like "aww thanks!!" lol

  10. No,tell her

    can you answer mines;...

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