
Girls, would you ever do try to manipulate/humiliate your boyfriends/husbands?

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Would you ever...

- be a gold digger and take all your spouse's fortune?

- try to change your man? Can girls really change guys at all?

- convince him to have a child with you even though he never wants kids?

I've heard stories about men living successful lives and it went to ruin because of gold diggers or they were victims of false accusations by women. I don't want to be a victim of any of these.




  1. my guy doesnt have any money, so he doesnt have to worry about me being a gold digger lol ;]

    but seriously, if he was rich..i soo wouldnt try to take his money. i always try to respect people, and that would be HIS hard earned money, not mine.

    i honestly dont think i could change anyone..i mean, you are who you are..i wouldnt WANT to change anyone..thats just stupid.

    we already have a child, but if he didnt want children i probably wouldnt be with him in the first place.

    hope i helped a lil bit!


  2. I'd never do the first one. EVER. My boyfriend has gotten used for his money before since he makes $300 per week at age 15, and I'm not the kind of girl to put him through that again.

    I'd only try to change him if it was for the better. If he was a drug abuser then yeah of course I'd try to change him

    I MIGHT do the last one but I wouldn't wreck the relationship over it.

  3. If I wanted to change him, I wouldn't be with him in the first place. But, sometimes I think girls unintentionally change guys. For better or for worse. People just naturally change some amount when they're with someone for a long time. As for the other two, never.

  4. No, that's really mean. But I would do something funny to embarrass him, because it would be hilarious! You know, like have a sappy/retarded song dedicated to him at a public place. Or one that doesn't fit at all, like "I kissed a girl." Lol.

  5. I have girlfriends who do it, but personally I'm extremely happy with my relationship and I love my guy for who he is.

  6. If I were to ever divorce, I wouldn't take all of my spouse's fortune, heck I wouldn't even ask for child support. I've always been independent and I have way too much pride in me to take the easy road. It is more satisfying to obtain things on my own without support of my Husband or others.

    Before we were married there was a period of time where I DID wanted to change him. After a while I figured, I LOVE him for who he is already so what the heck am I doing? So I left it alone and thought to myself that if my Husband really loves me and wanted us to have a bright future there will be some changes made on both sides for it to happen.

    I don't do the convincing he does. We are committed to one another and it only makes sense to have children. We currently have 2 and I would like to end it at that, but he has talked about having a 3rd and I hope I can stand my ground since I know 3 would just be way too much for us.

  7. Wow poor men they have it so tough all those nasty women out there! Seriously you have some concerning and old fashioned ideas about women, were not all gold digging baby obsessed b*tches you know. I hate it when the media portrays us that way though.

  8. If youre so rich and nervous about this  how about a pre-nup to week out the losers. Regarding the question about changing your man...Show me a woman who never tried to change a thing about her husband and I'll show you a lier. Regarding the kids question I could see that happening. The maternal instinct is deep and strong particularly as a woman gets older.

  9. nope thats all a game its al about being true to yourself and the one you lovee

  10. No. They would just ruin a relationship!

    Why try and change your man? If girls feel as if they have to 'change' them, why be with them?

    I don't understand why women would do that.

    Most women that would do this would just be shallow and insecure.

    Good for you, don't be the victim. As for me... I'll never be the culprit.

  11. no, I wouldn't marry someone planning to change them, I would marry them because I liked them the way they are. The only case in which I would try to change them is if they started ruining their lives with drugs I would try to help but not just abandon them like most women do when that happens. If we got a divorce I would try to split the money evenly.

  12. no way.

  13. Never. I love and respect my boyfriend for who he is, I would never take his money, change him, or force him into anything.

    I dont think that the women who try and change a man, mean any harm though, I think most of the time, they see something special in that man, and want to help- say they're flirts- or very angry people- they try and help with that. I dont think they try and change them into a completely diffirent human.

    Edit- I just read the answerer above me's answer, and acctually i agree, if a woman feels the need to change her man, she shouldnt be with him. Unfortunately some women will still tyr to change them though.

  14. Only if the girl is really mean.

    check out my question

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