
Girls,Guys:how can you tell if a receptionist likes you or is just being polite as it her job?

by  |  earlier

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Well i've had this thing with this new receptionist, as we kinda stared at each other a couple of times whilst walking down the street e.g. eye locking, i visit her reception at her hotel and say hi and always smile at her and she does too. I mean for me when i saw her i was quite taken back as I found her very attractive but im not goin to risk asking her out until i get a definate sign she likes me back so far she has been nice to me and there has been a couple stares.

any suggestions to how I can see if she likes me ,she is like 4 years older than me so probably more experienced. Any tips?




  1. Stop being such a pussay.  Life's too short.

  2. Had a similar situation myself recently. Timing is key, take the moment and ask her out now, if you think too long it will be gone. If she says no it will be because she has a bf as she is obviously being friendly enough for you think its something more.  No one can criticise you for having a go, but you'll kick yourself if you don't. I missed my chance, and it's sh*t.

  3. ask her out already or quit stalking her.....

  4. Unless she gives overt signals (more than just being polite), the receptionist is just being polite and professional. But have some stones, man; try throwing out some overt signals of your own. If she is as polite as she seems, the letdown won't be too harsh if she says no.

  5. Her job is to be friendly so it could very well be that she is just doing her job. First make sure she is single, secondly be upfront with her, maybe offer to bring her some coffee( keep in mind she just might assume you are taking pity on her & are being nice because she can't leave her desk) or you could ask her out for coffee( a more direct approach).Either way, be clear that you would like to take her out sometime. and suggest a day. good luck!

  6. Just ask her out.  

    Do you really think she is going to give you some 'magical' signal? That never happens!  

    Stop over-analysing and be a man.  The more you hesitate the less interested she'll become. She'll be like "oh, I thought he was alright but he's such a wussy, he's too scared to ask me out.  Now he's just annoying 'cos he hangs around but never does anything".

    Then later, she'll be like "oh I'm glad that other guy asked me out, he's a real man, not scared at all, I bet he'll give me a good seeing to later".

  7. No way! You just got to ask her outright.

    Tip: As a receptionist she talks to strangers all the time. She would have known by now to tell if one is confident. So, when and if you ask her or talk, look into eyes and don't let your eyes wander. And then you can score.

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