
Girls Also Have BRAIN..!!!!????

by  |  earlier

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Is that true beyond any doubt?? I m having doubts about dat.!!!

I wan 2 share ur valuable comments as per experiences....




  1. Your doubt is not good in taste.

  2. Before you trouble yourself with questions like that, please try to get out a proper sentence. You make absolutely no sense and come across as an immature imbecile.

    Also Punjabi, its not the fact that he asked this question thats annoying me, its annoying because if he is concerned about other people having brains, he should just worry about his own defunct one first.

  3. yup.. ive gotten stright a's all my life, so yeah, i do have a brain.

  4. I don't understand your question because you are missing a word or two.

  5. Yes we do and it works more complicated than guys that's why you will never understand. From the question you seem ike you don't want to understand too.

    Using the word GIRLS is a little too much. Maybe Girls that you chose or close with doesn't but in general and according to the fact (that u might no know (makes you have no brain too?)

    YES WE DO.

  6. It is beyond any doubt that you do not have a brain.

  7. hey . girls r the best. if girls r not having brains den y wud they date u guys?

  8. Yes they ARE human beings.

    Looks like the only one without a brain here is YOU.

  9. girls DO have a brain  ...n looks like u DNT  

  10. I m just enjoying d anger of gals who r answering over here.Just see their anger lol.

    Sibin dear, it seems as if u hav fired a stone at BEE-HIVE.


  11. some of them give good brain. but some of them don't its practice and training that's the key.

  12. the only one without a brain is YOU

  13. B_boys



    I_ in

    N_need  of what you think girls dont have.

  14. well lets start with vocabulary, common sense and general grammar. you need a brain to understand these and quite obviously you are showing that the male mind can not cope. Was that easy to understand, there is a few large words there.

  15. well buddy, by reading your question, you make no sence which shows that YOUR the one with no brain

  16. my brain is bigger than yours =]

  17. we have more brain than u .ie why u are asking this question otherwise u will not ask this question k

  18. Yes we also have "BRAINS".....I dont know why you asked such a foolish question? GOD has gifted everyone with this thing called BRAIN and everybody uses it but sad thing is that only a few use it in good way and rest (like you) just MISUSE it.....ok?got your answer?  

  19. I agree with "HONEY 786"

  20. Silly question.  Of course girls have brains.  A large one & a small one which is at the bottom of your skull.  They would not be able to move, communicate etc otherwise.

    If you mean are girls as intelligent as boys, then by your question, without a doubt they are more than you are.  

  21. Yes, girls also have brain which they use better than boys.

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