
Girls...Can you help me? High school?

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I have really oily skin, and since I'm in high school and I'm rushing around all day, I don't really have time to wash it. Is there anything I can use really quick in the middle of the day to help with the oil, or some makeup that will help in the first place?




  1. use like oil  absorbing facial wipes, olay or nutrogena. and powder always works;...

  2. Rice Paper - they are tiny packs of thin paper sheets that absorb oil.  You can get them at Ulta, Sephora, or similar stores.  Then follow up with a powder compact - less messy to carry than loose powder.

    See example by following the link below

  3. The other answers are good, and right.  But if you want to be cheap or have nothing handy use the toilet seat covers (the disposable toilet seat covers made of tissue you paper, your school should have them in the bathrooms) dab your oil, it's that same as the expensive paper you buy to dab your skin.  And no I didn't come up with this on my own, it's one of those Hollywood insider secrets, saw it on the Tyra Banks show.

  4. Well there's the facial wipes and you can also get clinique work out make up or others from there they have a diverse selection for pretty much any one.

  5. Get loose powder and just get to class early so you can brush it on before anyone sees it. Or just go to the bathroom. It only takes 5 second to aplly it, literally!

    & it's meant for hiding wrinkles and oily skin.

    Very much recommended.

  6. first, dont wash your face too much. it dries out and your skin creates more oil than before to make up for it. get the right toner to balance your ph level [it should say that on the bottle] your best bet is to go all natural. if your grocery store has an organic/natural section go there. try to find burts bees garden tomatoe toner

    this makes my skin FLAWLESS fast and idont notice having as much oil as i used to. i wash my face twice a day, morning and night. if you can't find this in your grocery store go to to a whole foods or wild oats [all natural/organic grocery store] and it really should be there. burts bees is not that uncommon. they also sell powder whipes to help with the oil. you can pop it in your purse or pocket and use it quickly during the day. for a facial cleanser, use clean and clear oil free deep action cream cleanser

    use it in the shower and leave it on while you do something else.. for about 3-5 minutes then of course rinse clean.

    and this is optional but i think it would make a huge difference

    rub this all over your face for the softest skin ever

  7. Loose powder, (:

  8. oil absorbing sheets like everyone is saying :)

    I had the elf one because it was a dollar but C&C works better bc you can see clearly the oil that you took off. it's about 2 dollars and both of them have 100 sheets so that will last you a while

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