
Girls - Do you like to get texts from your boyfriend that are basically just "hi I miss you"?

by  |  earlier

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Is it sweet, or clingy? GF is out of town for the weekend, I'll probably talk to her Sunday night but not before. What do you think?





  1. omg i love them!!!

  2. Yes, that is good.

  3. DEFFO i love my partner txting me things like that makes me feel special. I didn't get it last time. now i love things like that.

  4. No, that annoys the h**l out of me.

    Weird little pointless texts are so annoying. Or when a guy wants to follow me around, walk me to my classes, or to my car, or my dorm, or insists on going everywhere with me, even bra shopping. Like, I can get around fine on my own, and the separation just makes it even better when you finally do get together.

    My boyfriend is being like that a lot lately, I think there's something wrong that he's not telling me.  

  5. AhA YeS GIrlS liKe tO fEEl liKE thEIr lOvEd..

    ANd i dONt thiNK iTS CliNGy iF shEs gOnE AwAy

    fOR AwhiLE=]hOPE i hElpEd!=)

  6. u cant imagine how it makes our time better when we get sucha sweet and romantic texts. its just a prove tht we r wanted and needed. u know? so do so, be like hey babe i really miss u. jus waitin to be in ur arms. its not creepy or anyting like tht. its really sweet. me and my fiance do it all the time cuz he lives in another city.

    so like yea.

    i tink its a nice idea to show how u miss her.

  7. i think you should talk to her for a min..

    then say..

    i miss you..

    that's the best thing..

  8. Well it depends, once or twice throughout the weekend is enough and it shows you are thinking about her, but like a million times is a huge turnoff and we think it's kinda creepy or obsessed. :) Hope this helps

  9. i think its sweet or just a random...." i love you" out of the blue will make her smile

  10. Yeess!!!

    wE love it..

    just to let people know that there missed is a great feeling..

    send as many texts has you can..

    your a great bf to do that!!

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