
Girls: Does it irk you when people who wouldn't talk to you in high school try to talk to you now?

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It could be the guy you would have gave your left arm to date and he didn't even know you existed, or one of the popular girls who sat right behind you for years but probably didn't even know your does it make you feel? I'm always nice to them but it does make me a little mad when someone that I never spoke to before comes up to me and says "Oh, hey!! How have you been? What have you been up to?!", or when some guy I crushed on for years finally now tries to make a pass at me. I probably shouldn't hold it against them but I feel like saying "you didn't care then so why should you now?". What's your view on this???




  1. No, I left that drama behind when I left high school. If they are people I dont want to know now, I am polite and cool. If they are people I should have paid more attention to because they are solid characters who might be good friends, I am happy to have a second chance with them.

    If you're still stewing about their high school shallowness, you need to put some more distance between you. No woman should waste energy worrying about the behavior of some immature male person.

  2. It doesn't happen only to girls.

    It happens to boys too.

    If someone (wether it was girls or another boys) wouldn't talk to me when I was in high school, they are very wrong if they think I'm going to talk to them now that I'm 28 years old.

    I have no reason to think they changed. Most people who is rude and mean to others in high school NEVER change when they are adults.

    Only very few of them really get more mature

  3. I have no beef with the people who passively ignored me.  I simply wasn't on their radar, just like there were probably people who weren't on mine.  The people who p**s me off are the few who actively persecuted me in h.s. and now want to pretend like we were best friends.  Those memories are harder to erase.

  4. I had this situation with a girl I'd gone to high school with.  When we were teenagers, she was one of the popular hotties and I... well, I was a bit of a dork.  She was never exactly mean to me, but she was part of a group that picked on my friends and me relentlessly.  Then, several years later, we ended up working together.  It was awkward at first, but she really made an effort to befriend me, mostly because she felt really intimidated and out of place as the "new girl" at work.  I realized pretty quickly that she's actually a great person, and now we get along just fine.  She grew up a lot... and I suppose I did too.

  5. I am not in high school till September but my view is that they probably wanted to use you or by some time. In high school, they probably were like: Forget about the ones in your past, they are the reason they didn't make it to your future." I think they probably want to be friends again. Maybe the guy starts crushing on you back. Maybe the girls lacked originality or they want to mess up your life again. I agree though, if you didnt care then why care now. It obviously means you flip-flop

  6. I mean giving someone a chance is always worth it could be someone who just popped up interested in you and after a couple of months you guys fell in love then you're glad you made that good choice or someone you were never interested in approached you but turned him down but you became the best of friends so even if they noticed you or not its always worth it in a way.  

  7. I agree with you.

  8. OMG!!!!!  I've been going through that myself!  I changed high schools when I started the 11th grade, so I didn't know anyone.  The school I went to was one where they had all of those clicks, and I'm just not a cliquish kind of person!  The school I had come out of wasn't a cliquish environment, so I just wasn't ready for that c**p and didn't want to be.  Now, I run into people and, first, I don't even recognize them; I mean, if you can't be bothered with me, I'm not going to waste brain cells trying to remember who you were ten (okay, 17) years later.  Second, even if I do recognize them, I act like i have no real clue who they are, outside of a vague "Oh, yeah" that sounds like I'm lying.  I know that's petty and wrong, but I'll repent later!  I don't know why people do this, it's so phony, and I hate it!  And they will truly act like you were best friends and friendship bracelet type buddies, too!

  9. Why just girls?  We boys get it too.  All the facebook people who just want the whole class on their list makes me turn down friend requests all the time.  I know that teen years can be tough but unless your about to start off your greeting with an apology for the #$%# way you treated people I just don't have the time to waste on you.  I don't care what your up to and I don't feel like sharing what I'm up to with you.  Besides, it's all the cool kids who usually end up failing in life.  Take a look around, it's all us geeks who really run the world...hahahaha, take that third time married alcoholic ex cool kids!!

  10. Unless you were picked on by the person, put it behind you. We are all different people in high school. Our values change once we mature into adults. There are people I got to know better after high school; some of them I didn't know at all. What men and women see in each other as adults is different from what they see as teenagers. There a few couples from my school that got together years after graduation and have been happily married ever since. I'd say don't hold a grudge, unless someone really treated you bad.

  11. Well Im not a girl as such lol. but I did join the schoolfriends site and some people on it had not talked to me since high school. Some actually really acted like they hated me. They told me later on that they didnt know they had been so cruel (kids are) and that they were sorry. We had quite a good chat and it helped me get some closure.

  12. Yea, I understand. What's worse, friends from high school, good friends that have a college education now and they are too good to talk to me when they see me. I live in the same town as one of my best friends from school. We lost touch for 3 or 4 years right after school but I have ran into her 3 times now and she avoids me like the plague. I sent her a myspace friend request and she denied it! She's had plastic surgery and she is a lawyer now. That makes me mad.

  13. Wow! I kind of do get irriatted when people on face book try to friend be, and I honestly don't know why because some of them..weren't too nice to me and all of a sudden they want to add me on like we ever had a positive with each other.

    I add them on because I don't care anymore..

    we're adults now..

    but I can see your point of view.

    There is this guy I was crushing on and he added me as a friend..

    I was flattered because I didn't even think he'd even care to..

    he's still cute and if he were to ask me out, Id give it world..

    he's my secret, but that's it..just a fun fling in my mind..haha

    He knew of me but never really interacted, was nice when we were chatting amongst friends in a group or so, if we bumped into his clinque at school or something.

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