
Girls: Give me your honest answer?

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Seriously, How long does it take for you to do your hair in the morning?

Five Minutes?

Half An Hour?

Everyone says I take too long so let's see what you lot have to say.

Thanks! =]




  1. If I am not washing it, about 20 seconds because I just comb it.  If I am washing it and blow drying, about 15 minutes.

  2. 5 minutes, brush,put a bobble in it.....I did spend more time before I had kids!

  3. Around 15 to 20 minutes, I have to straighten then spray ! :]

  4. about 15 minutes

  5. 10 mins

  6. when i do fix mine it takes over an hour to do.

    I have to blow dry and then flat iron but my hair is pretty long

  7. Two minutes!

  8. 10mins at the most.. I dont really do anything with it.. just get up and go


  9. It takes about 2 mins to brush my hair, but if I want to straighten it then thats an extra 12 mins.

  10. Have very thick long hair so when it's washed (usually every 2/3 days) which I tend to do it at night & let it dry naturally. When it's dry it takes me about 45min with the straighteners (use GHD's). However once that nightmare is over 10mins in the morning does it.  

  11. It usually takes me about 30-45 minutes to do my hair and then I mess it all up and start over again. :]

  12. If I'm washing it then it will take me about 45 minutes to wash, dry and straighten. If i'm just straightening then about 10-15 minutes :)

  13. Brush, pop it in a bobble. I have 3 kids to deal with on a school morning, so time isn't really on my side to do my hair. Also on a sunday, as it's my lazy day.

    On a saturday, bout half hour, just pop the straighteners on it.

    I'm a bit plain though, wish i could try more hairstyles, just don't know how :(

  14. mmm 5 mins, yea, sometimes 7 mins, lol

  15. Depending on what im doin with my hair, sometimes I take half an hour, other times I take a full hour. Us girls gotta look good ya know. haha.

    ~ hey holly, I didnt get your 360 message. Email me from here. luvya girl. muahzz

  16. dry and style it takes me about 20 minutes  

  17. I don't bother with it most of the time. Or I brush it on the way out the door....

  18. depends, maybe 30 seconds to five minutes

    sometimes i just put it up quickly or if i have time i straighten it i do.

  19. on a good day roughly about 10 mins and a bad day a sec I just tie it up, out of the way !

  20. Depends. If i shower, blow dry my hair, brush it than its about a half hour. So from 5 minutes-30 minutes.

  21. It depends if am just going to work or if am going out. If i am just going to work it only takes about ten minutes but if am going out it usually takes me about 30-45 mins depending on what am doing with it. It doesn't matter if you take a long while lol x

  22. around 10-15 minutes.

    i wash my hair really quick, comb it, and then i'm done.

    sometimes i blowdry.

  23. it takes me 15-20 minutes to do my hair

    my mom thinks thats 2 long, so i'm always rushed

  24. about 15mins

  25. Hmm about 5-10 mins.

    But I have short thin hair.... =P

  26. 10 minutes if I throw it up in a  pony tail

    20 minutes if I wear it down (curly)

    2 hours(!) if I decide to straighten it.  

  27. 10 mins =]

  28. If I'm straightening it, about 35 mins. If I'm not about 5/10 mins.

  29. half an hour... that's probably at minimum unless it's in braids or something =D

  30. 30 secs, scape band and whip

  31. not that long for me bout 10 minuites

    but my problem is getting ready !

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