
Girls...............Guys arm's around you?

by Guest44936  |  earlier

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Im a 13 year old male and I want to know if girls like it when guys do the yawn move. For those of you who don't know what the yawn move is, it is when a guys yawns and put his arm around you. Do you girls like that? I'm planning on doing that.




  1. I think that is sooooo corny but u should just hold or hand or something or u could just put ir arm around her without doing that

  2. It's kind of stereotypical, but cute.  I say that I would much rather a guy hold my hand.  I think holding hands is much more romantic.

  3. i love when guys do that. dont yawn just put your arm around her.

  4. the yawn thing is soooo corny. theres nothin wrong with holding hands, also, if ur in he movie or ur together and sheputs her head on your shoulder/chest, its OKAYto put ur arma round her. and please, for the sake of us all, no mushy-gushy stuff in public! its dscusting no mater how old/in 'love' you are!! =]

  5. i'd rather have a guy hold my hand.


  6. The yawn thing is really cheesy.  One guy did that to me once and I laughed at him.  I love it when my boyfriend puts his arm around me though. =]

  7. Hey dude its kinda Corny but very cute. My current boyfriend got my attention like that we were at a carnival. Well first he went to my school and he saw me there and i just said hi then all of a sudden he was behind me in the line to get on the twister and since he was behind me we sat next to each other and he ask or you going to scream and i was like wtf what kind of question is that the we ate corn dogs and then he did his very corny move and i thought it was the cutest thing in the world then i looked into his eyes and saw that he was a great guy then i held his hand ad kissed.

    tHe he said the dumbest things

    " Does that mean we go out NOw"

    Hahah funny but cute story

  8. I don't know what other girls think, but I think it's corny. But it's also cute, so ya I like it!

    EDIT: Hold her hand! Or just put you arm around her without doing the yawn thing.

  9. hahaha its corny, but its cute haha.

    its a nice way to show a girl that they like you, kinda like a DUH thing. ha .(: good luckkk.

  10. don't yawn

    just put your arm around her


  11. bra dat move is hella weak get some real game just be you. you aint gotta do dat yawn bull ish just put yo arm around her and if she dont like it you can tell. just do what your comfortable with and she is 2 but get some real game home

  12. i think it's corny but soooo cute. haha! and you dont have to yawn, if you like her just do it.

  13. its corny, but cute... someone did it to me once (during class idk why) but i love it

  14. im almost 13 and my i think that its really cute ....but dont yawn..

    just like hold hands...put ur arm around her.

    and if you want to be REALLY romantic... then kiss her in the rain...

    hope that i helped..


  15. lol i love when guys do this;) its so sweet and adorable

  16. Hahaha. I think it is stupid. It is getting tired.

    Sorry but my thoughts.


    Before you show how you feel about her, figure out if she likes you. YOU DON'T want to get rejected.

  18. hahaha its kinda funny and corny, but absolutly adorable at the same time!!

    I think that if ur girl will think the same....GO FOR IT!! =]

    but, if it were me, i would think it was cute, i dont know how ur girlie will like it though...

  19. don't yawn it's fake

  20. hahha i love when guys do it. Make it obvious too.

  21. its not corny- sometimes my boyfriend does it just to be silly and exaggerates the yawn part- i think its adorable. however if you do the yawn move to your girl, she might get an awkward vibe from you  and she'll think you're uncomfortable around her.  go for holding her hand first.

  22. i think its funny. Especially when the girl doesn't get it. I would rather have him say 'can i put my arm around you' that shows hes confident and he's into you, but holding hands is easier if you plan on kissing her...

  23. haha...its kinda corny but i dont think they would dislike it! just dont make it too obvious and sound like its all planned and stuff..that would creep her out. but good luck! :)

  24. Ah!

    Im a thirteen year old FEMALE. 8D

    I can tell you now, I dont like it. D:

    Its kinda awkward. To tell you the truth, Alot of girls like it when you are straightfoward! I hate those old moves. Just do the unexpected! :]

  25. Thirteen... Should you really be tappin' that yet?

  26. i love it when my boyfriend does that. im 13 too and so is my bf. go right ahead and try it and if she doesnt like it which i highly doubt, BLAME ME!

  27. dont do the yawn move thats not cool..yes just hold her hand

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