
Girls!!! HOW often do you...?

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How often do you shave/wax,etc... your underarms and legs?

Like what do you use and stuff.

Just tell me the pros and cons.

Share your experience with all of us here.





  1. whenever it gets hairy under my arms i shave. and my legs i shave every 3 days and sometimes 2

  2. every 2 months

  3. Underarms- I find it best not to shave my underarms because it will just grown back thicker and darker! not to mention it will feel weird having it brush against your skin

    i use Sally hansen all over hair removal for bikini, underarms and face

    it last for a few weeks and the hair comes back less noticeably :]

    legs i shave every 2-3 days

    i like to let the hair on my legs grow out a LITTLE bit before i shave so it has a change to thin out a little

    i use nair hair removal lotion

    smells like cucumber melon

    you put it on like lotion, leave it on for about 5 minutes and take it off with a wash cloth!

    then right after that, i shave my legs with shuik intuition

    its this razor with a super huge moisture strip

    works very nicely :]

  4. To tell you the truth I do everyday, however I know other girls who do it once a week.

    I use just a razor and soap.

    Pros of a razor- smooth legs. Cons- nicks, you can miss stuff, hardly permenate.

    I used to wax and veet and c**p, but i find they just don't work on me!

    (At least the home wax strips didn't) so now I just save my money.


  5. personally, i shave my legs and underarms and i do my legs maybe once every four or so days and underarms every maybe three or whenever they get bad.

    i used to wax my legs but i dont feel it works very well for me and i just couldnt be bothered anymore.

  6. I shave everyday but I use this cream that doesn't have any odors and's a shaving that doesn't dry your skin because soap and water can dry your skin the cream is made from organic stuff I don't have the name now though...

    please answer my question;...

  7. I shave both underarms and legs everyday.

    I use conditioner instead of shaving cream or soap because it's less drying and I don't get razor burn from it .

    It also makes your legs smoother over time.

    Because I have a warm skin tone I add gold shimmer to my lotion to make my legs glow.

    People sometimes notice the shimmer, but think it looks good. Just make sure it's shimmer not glitter.

    Also be careful because a lot of lotions now have a silver shimmer and those can make you look ashy. I don't understand why they do this noe, but w/e.

    I thouroughly enjoy my legs. =)  I just take care of them. It doesn't take long.

  8. Okay so..

    I use Venus for my razor

    And the avacodo Suave shaving cream

    When I need to do it quickly I use Nair..

    But its not recomended

    I shave my legs, underarms, and bikini area every other day

    The pros of using a razor is the little g*y bumps ha,

    And the pros: YOU HAVE SMOOTH LEGS


    This is meh friends answer

    i use a venus razor

    and for shaving cream i use the suave stuff

    i shave my legs about every other day and me under arms every other day

    hahaa hope we helped!

  9. im a hairy girl!

    i used to have to shave my legs, armpits, etc. twice a day, so i started using hair removal cream, and i like it a lot better!

  10. A lot. I have to shave my legs about every 2 or 3 days.

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