
Girls Help, Guy trouble (pics)

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Last night at a party I was asked out by two guys and I dont know which one to pick because they are friends and they both want to date me but i cant decide which suits me better. Im 21 so you know this isnt a 16 year old girl dilemma. Alan doesnt date alot of girls or sleep around with them so i feel unique that he asked me but Owen does sleep around and has dated lots of girls i might be the type he wants after all

This is Alan, he is athletic and tall and Irish

And this is Owen who is kinda short and overweight but sweet and homegrown.




  1. if your not sure which one do it this way chose one that you think is boyfriend material who has the better personality who will be better in the long term stuff like this and i am sure you will find the right one and will be happy with him ...follow your heart......<3

  2. Owen.

    Hehe btw you asked yesterday and here I am answering again :]

    except i couldnt see the links xP

  3. i already answered alan

  4. Well obviously your a girl or feminine and can't make up your mind so you'll choose Owen to show the other girls you've pulled him and you'll change him,because always the same guys get the girls for this reason.Don't believe your twenty one bet your only nineteen.I think you'll change him.You didn't say if you date a lot.

  5. This is absurd!

    You obviously don't care enough about either of these lads to actually make a decision, instead you have ask a load of strangers who they think is best looking.  Wow- really mature.  Just because you're 21 doesn't mean you can't still be acting like a 16 year old.  

    Grow up and make a decision.

  6. Alan looks and sounds nicer but you know more about them so follow your inner voice.

  7. I think you should pick based on personality. But I would choose Alan because of how he looks and since you said he makes you feel unique because he chose you. That is definitely a big plus/reason to choose him.

  8. Alan .. he is the best .. u can love him but Owen i think one or two days then he will leave u Alan handsome and he has baby face .. Owen his eyes is not comfortable

    overall , it is ur choose and ur heart feeling

  9. alan ofcourse....cute and has a nice personality(from wht u described)

  10. I think this would be something you would want to pick someone based on their personality. You shouldn't chose one or the other because people that don't even know them think one is better looking than another.

  11. Never a good idea to date a real friend it normally ends badly. but if you have to choose one then go for whoever you get on with better and who you think will treat you the way you want to be treated : )

  12. See which one that u really Feel Something Special when u be with Him ... Choose the one U can love and Cont. Ur life with ... and it is not about Looks Coz the looks is not every thing  

  13. Alan sounds like he has a nice personality and doesnt sleep around like owen so go alan I would pick u for sure :P

  14. Wow, you really know how to attract the hotties.....JK! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


    i dont like the details about owen PLUS his looks.

  16. I think u already know the answer to this dont you  

  17. alan

  18. Alan!

    Reason 1) He doesn't sleep around (man can be slags too!)

    Reason 2) He's WAY cuter ;-)

  19. I think u should go out with allan. Somebody who sleeps round alot is probly a player. And plus allan is cuter.

  20. haha owen looks so sweet.

    And it is special that Owen asked you out because he doesnt sleep around and Alan does!

    Just saying that you probably don't want to be just another one of his "girls".

  21. You've already asked this.

    I said Alan then,and i say Alan now.

  22. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..........!

  23. i dont think you have much to chose from, i am male but judging by the pictures and what you have said about them id pick alan if i was you,

    you dont want someone that sleeps around a lot, as they say, a leapord never changes its spots

  24. owen look like he can give u a better fuuuck lol go wit him and then take alan after lol

  25. ALAN! Let's hope they don't see this question tho ;)

  26. Erm ALAN :) x

  27. lmao owen typical fat white boy

  28. Alan should be your choice. You shouldn't even have to think about it!! He has the looks, and from what you described his personality sounds great!! I dont think you want a guy that sleeps around and dates a lot of girls, he could be a player.

  29. Alan of caurse! he seems so faithful. If you dated Owen you are up at risk for being cheated on. Plus Alan is better looking. He seems like he has a nice personality.

    Take Care.

  30. ALAN!

  31. Oh my gosh,


    He sounds the best and looks the best to.



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