
Girls Help Please Period Problems ?

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I'm 15 and Slightly over weight i used to have regular periods but over the past year ive only had about 5 periods what could be the cause of this?




  1. you grow older, your body will change. Maybe you had regualr periods to begin, but as you get older your body will learn to regulate those types of things will happen. I mean if you get scared, doctors are usually the ones who can tell you if thats okay but umm yeah I think youre okay

    not tryna sound mean just reassuring you that I think you'll be fine..dont worry unless something else happens!

  2. hi there

    I've always been overweight and i used to have regular periods, but as i've noticed as i got older my periods were all over the place, its just your body .I'd wait to see if it settled down first but if it continues i would go to the doctors and have a talk to see what they say and to see if they can help you in any way.

  3. It's totally normal to have irregular periods in the first few years of them occuring. If you're only slightly overweight, then it's unlikely to be the cause. Don't worry about it, you're fine.

  4. don`t worry it`s normal i had the same problem but it`s fine now

  5. it could be stress

  6. This happens to girls up too the age of 16 even 18. Usually it evens out when you have had your periods for about 5 years.

    Don't worry, it happens to me as well.

    EDIT: also for people that will tell you to go on birth control and tablets to even them out don't riddle yourself with tablets! That's the worse thing you could do.  

  7. Only a Dr. with the proper test could determine this.

  8. maybee you could be prego x*x

  9. I don't mean this to be rude at all, however, being overweight can have an effect on your periods.

    I recommend you visit your GP

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