
Girls I need help?? Plz??

by  |  earlier

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There's this shy girl I like. She fnds excuses to talk to me. Fidgeting around me , nervous around me, she gave me a nickname and, but she stares at me alot. I told her I liked her 4 months ago, and she smiled when I told her. She would smile when I would approach her and she told me she wanted to start out as friends, and get to know me, and she would like to hang out with me She asked me to dance with her at a dance at school. also, I found out she tells her family about me.During summer school she was asking one of my friends if I still liked her. I didn't go to summer school, so I told my friend to tell her that I said hi, and then she had a pretty big smile on her face. My friend gave her my #, and she called me 1 month ago.

It's been a few days of school, and she gives me rare stares. and after school she was with her friends and she starred in my direction, then at lunch I was starring at her and our eyes locked on each other for a few seconds.

what should I go talk to her about, and does she still like me??

p.s. She has this habit of only starring at me when I'm in front of her, that's when we lock eyes on each other.




  1. you like her? then tell her you want to be with her. yes, start out as friends call each other talk. talk talk and find out when she's ready to go out even if its as a group try it wait till she's comfortable with dating one on one . but always reassure her that you do like her and want to be with her.

  2. Plain simple: ask her. But I am writing mainly because it's staring not starring. Just... a little bit annoying - sorry! :) but just ask the girl. She sounds pretty nice.

  3. if she still stares at u then she still likes u

    ask her what her hobbies r or something like that

    just be urself and dont be nerves

  4. Do I need to say it? Of course she likes you! And how perfect, because you like her too!.. Yeah, you should definitely go talk to her.. girls like it when a boy makes the first move =]

    Say something along the lines of.. "I really value our friendship, you mean a lot to me.." Just so that she knows you are ready to go to the next level with her.

    Don't move to fast into the relationship, take your time, take it easy.. I'm willing to bet this could be something pretty amazing. Good Luck =]

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