
Girls! I need "guy" help!!! It's an EMERGENCY!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hello there! Ok, ladies, (and any guys if you read this,) i need some SERIOUS help!!! Ok so here's whats up! There is this guy who is my guy-friend that I have been liking for a LONG time! We've called each other off and on, and he asked me to the dance once. We also say hi in the halls a lot. But here's the thing... I don't know if he likes me or not!!! Is there any signs that can help me tell if he likes me or not? Should I tell him and risk ruining our friendship for good, or do I not tell him? Please!!! I need answers!!!




  1. Tell one of your friends (that is also friendly with him) to ask him if he likes you. That's the best way to do it without getting YOUR friendship involved with it.

  2. hi! instead of just telling him, maybe you might want to observe his behavior for a bit.. maybe a week or two. before i got with my girlfriend, i liked to text her, hang out with her a lot, and just chat with her. i would flirt with her. i think it's a good sign that he might be interested in you.. asking you to go dance.. but at the same time, it can be that he's just friendly to you. just give it a couple days or weeks and just see how he acts. im sure you're the best person to decide whether he likes you or not. if you can't wait, just tell him that you like him :) its a 50/50 right?? good luck and don't be shy:) go girl!!

  3. well, i would advise you to TELL HIM! in a secret way! ")

    i love you forever. call me

    -u know who

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