
Girls I need you help?

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What do you do about horrible period cramps? I feel like I'm going to throw up. Thanks




  1. hot water bottle

  2. take a tylonel then sleep i try nopt to walk to much while i have cramps

  3. hehe thank god im a guy


  4. (mental health, haha)

    A warm bath, tea, hot water bottle, heating pad.  

  5. I really don't get bad period cramps *knocks on wood*, but when they do start to get noticeably irritating, I take a hot bath.  It's so relaxing.  During the day you should drink hot tea.  Anything hot. Maybe s*x wouldn't be such a bad idea either ;)

  6. i usually take a motrin or tylenol and fall asleep and when i wake up its usually gone

  7. I used to feel like throwing up too when all I used was a hot water bottle.  Half the time, I did.  If you want to throw up, just lean out the window taking in deep breaths of fresh air.  Will make you feel better, and probs make you throw up and therefore feel even more better.

    But now all I do is take a couple of pain killers (Nurofen) and they disappear within 30mins.  Which is shocking considering how painful my period pains get.  Give it a go.

    Hope you're okay, and feel better soon. :)
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