
Girls If you liked a guy, and found out that he's shy and quiet would you still have the same feelings for him?

by  |  earlier

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Say you like this guy you've been eying him for a while now, and one day your friends tell you that he's the shy type and lacks social skills. Even you notice that this guy is shy, around others, particularly girls.

Would your feelings still change towards him ?

Would you still like him even though he's shy and timid ?



PS : You might think I'm basing this question solely on looks, I'm not shallow, I don't just go for looks, I go for personality and looks, it's what's inside that counts and looks aren't everything.

I just want to see what girls would do in order to get attention from a shy/timid guy. Even though this guy is shy, girls would you try and change him to be outgoing and amazing, because you like him so much...

Is that even possible ?

That you like a guy so much however he's shy and timid, and even though he's shy and lacking the necessary social skills, would you make an effort to try and change him for the better girls ?

Thanks And please include a lot of information !

Late night tonight !

* I don't want this question to sound wrong, this question is based on me, I'm a shy guy and I'm not much of a conversationalist nor do I posses the required social skills. I just want to know, If a girl liked me, I wonder If she would make an effort to talk to me and get to know me.....

Fauc*k girls are mysterious creatures ! I'll never understand all you princesses !




  1. Jordan, I don't quite understand why are you so shy and timid.

    From the way you answered one of my questions, I thought you didn't lack self-confidence.

    So I think it's just you've still not met your princess (in your word), and guess you are maybe too much on waiting attitude.

    College is a good place to learn dealing with people. I would suggest you leave the Internet alone, and pay more attention to the real world!

    Good luck!

  2. girls all have diffrent types of guys they go for, some girls wouldnt go for the "shy type" but some girls, like me, think its cute when a guy is shy... but you should know that girls can be shy too and want the guy to make the first move, so dont expect a girl to just to come up to you to get your attention... she might be waiting for you to go up and talk to her. i used to be really really shy to guys, but what really helped me feel more comfortable around them was just talking to them, its really not soo bad.i dont belive you should change someone "just because" tho, but i do belive in changing someone for the better.just be comfortable with yourself. i believe that everybody has there perfect guy/ girl out there, it just might take time to find that speacil someone

    good luck!!

    hope i helped


  3. aw, the cutest guys are the shy ones. I had this kid in my class and he liked one of my friends and he would literally shake when I would tell him to talk to her. Eventually tho, I got him to hang out with our group during lunch or partys and now he's dating her. Which is cool. I think its possible to change a guy, but not too much cause that's why you could him in the first place. You have nothing to worry about, girls like guys like you. you'll do fine. She'll come sometime. You don't seem to shy, pretty brave making this question don't you think?

  4. idk about every girl being princesses. but i assume girls will, because of course you are mysterious and prolly deep.

    im a guy, so thats just my assumption.

  5. Well thank you for calling me a princess! LoL. But yeah to answer your question my feelings wouldn't change towards the guy. Heck I would probably think that's even cute! I'm actually in this situation. I like this really shy guy... I'm a little loud and outgoing. I see that and I think its adorable! LoL. I actually started talking to him a little today... Anyway my advise is to try to get over the shy thing... you just might more people!  

  6. i tend to like shy guys more. i think its cause theyre sweet and cute and im really outgoing and i feel like i can show the a goodtime. when i like a shy guy i just act normal and talk to them a lot and joke around with them. im just myself i dont know how to say it. but a lot of girls like shy guys. if you likea girl and you think she likes you try to a least show a little interest. the only thing that bugs me about shy guys is theyre so hard to read

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