
Girls: Isn't chris brown cute!

by Guest58507  |  earlier

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  1. OMG! I love Chris Brown he is just the fittest lad ever... well except from my boyfriend lol.

    I have 6 big huge posters of him! I absolutely love him!!!!!!!

    Mrs Brown=D


  2. Yeah hes cute but not the cutest iv come across :)

  3. yes he is so fine!!

  4. I'm a girl and no, he isn't! :O

  5. well hollipop and jamie must be blind because he's like adorable.

  6. yes omg hes the cutest little thing

    lol i actually  really hate his music but think that he is really really hot.

  7. he's delicious <3

  8. Yes he is! I have about 30 posters of him in my room! I love him so much!

  9. of course he is :]

  10. he is fine to th e  maximum pluse fine  

         lloov vee


  11. Chris Brown is so cute! Please click the link below and post it everywhere..please and thank you!

  12. no

  13. what does this have to do with dancing?

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