
Girls ONLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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How long did your periods last?????? And any tips you may have for bad cramps.




  1. mines is only 3 days but i have cramps for all three sometimes

    i usually take a midol or aleve  

  2. MIDOL

  3. midol and a heating pad for cramps!

  4. mine last five days.

    take midol for cramps.

  5. Mine about 5 days,  Use moist heat and medication  

  6. mine are really irregular;lr, so some last 5 days, some like 10.    cramps i'd have to say ibuprofen works good for me.

  7. Average periods last 5-7 days.

    The main treatment for menstrual cramps are a class of drugs called Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs for short. These are drugs every woman knows: ibuprofen (Motrin) or Naproxen (Aleve). They work by stopping the body from making prostagladins. They also work by preventing blood clotting.

    If none of the over-the-counter types work, there are also a number of prescription NSAIDs available. The longer acting ones tend to be prescription only. This means the woman will need to visit the doctor. This can be a good time to make sure the cramps are primary and not secondary.

    If prescription NSAIDs don't work, birth control pills can lessen the menstrual flow and solve the problems of dysmenorrhea for many women. In resistent cases narcotic pain relievers can also be used.

    Exercise in general has also been shown to help alleviate dysmennorhea. It is not known to help the severe cramping (like those women could get up a jog anyway). A number of herbal, natural, and alternative medicine treatments claim to help. None has substantial scientific evidence, yet.

    Good Luck!!

  8. personally mine last for about a week but its different for everyone some last from 3-5 days some last even longer but for the cramps u should take a midol or aleve and take a warm bottle of water or u can buy menstrual heat pad (i forget who makes it)

  9. mine is 7 days and very heavy and full of cramps so I suggest lay on an heating pad and take midol or pamprin I think pamprin is better and drink more water and stay away from chocolate and a lot of sugar I  hope you feel better.

  10. mine last up to 4 days but i normally take 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol in the morning and sometimes at night if its really works for me :D hope u get better

  11. mine usually last 3-4 days.

    and I usually get mild cramps, but what I do is I take a long hot bath and take midol. :)  

  12. My period lasts 4-6 days.

    For cramps take a pain killer and a hot bath of corse the bath will only help while your in it and maybe a little longer but still it makes me feel better. As for what pain killer Midol but I understand you might not have it and its a little embarassing to ask your mom to go buy some so really just ibeprophin or tylonal does the trick with me.

  13. i have only had 2 periods my is only 4 or 5 days...i think the adverage period last for 5 days....

    i still dont have cramps...but try water, advil, aleve, or some thing that help cramps and pains

  14. I've only had 2 periods but my first one was 8 days, my second one was 7.  So about a week each.  For bad cramps, I either take a hot bath, put a hot water bottle over the crampy area, take Midol, Aleve, or Aspirin or a pain killer than works for you, or lay down and put for knees up to your chest for a while.  Believe it or not, that actually makes the cramp go away, or feel better.

    Hope I helped!  :)

  15. normally they last from 5 to 6 day if your regular but it can be anywhere from 2 days to 2 week so its not abnormal to have a long lasting period sweetie.  and for the cramps they have certain medicines so ask your mom to get some for you but if you don't want to take any pills a hot bath or a hot water bottle on your lower abdomen right where it hurts the most will probably take them right away for ya

    good luck!!!

  16. 7 or 8 days maybe 9

    and i get horrible cramps that make me nauseated and what i do is take ibprophen, eating bananas actually works lol and hot water bottle,and one thing that really relaxes you and makes it go away is you hop in the shower with hot hot water and you it down and sit with your legs crossed and lean over so the waters running down your neck on your head ad down your back, its really nice and relaxing.

    best of luck with your cramps =)

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