
Girls Only!! Are tampons better then pads?

by Guest57198  |  earlier

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I got my period in April 2008. I got it again this month, since summer is coming up i really want to go swimming when i get my period. Should use a tampon or not go swimming? Girls tell me if tampons are scary!!!




  1. I use Tampax Pearl- and I swin- these are the best IMO.  They have lots of different sizes- depending on your flow.  But they are very easy to use, and the most comfortable.  There really isnt anything to be scared of- once your body gets used to them- you wont want to use anything else!  Good luck and dont be scared!

  2. i usually use pads because I'm not a fan of tampons but when i do go swimming my mom found these ones that are super skinny and they don't hurt and i hardly notice them.  they aren't scary after you try one. its just the first time that i got kinda scared

  3. Tampons are no better or worse than pads -- they are merely a different tool in a woman's toolbox for dealing with the monthlies. There are other items besides tampons (e.g. menstrual cups) that you can use if you want to swim, but it's probably better to get familiar with tampons first.

    Like anything new, tampons can be intimidating, but that goes away after you get familiar with them.

    I suggest you and your mom get a box of tampons and you try them out and see if they work out for you. It's good to know you have options if you need them. I used to swim twice daily through my teens and wouldn't have survived without them.

    I have to laugh when the companies market tiny tampons as "for teens." My flow has always been very heavy, and those tiny ones -- even when I was young -- would have been worthless to me. If the tampon is inserted correctly, you don't feel it (or only barely), regardless of its size.

    Add: Stay away from regular Tampax -- they're awful. I can't believe women still buy them. They're like wadded up toilet paper!

  4. tampons are amazing!! once you get used to them, which doesnt take too long.  not only that but the idea of swimming with a pad is just gross. and dont listen to the peole that tell you your period stops in the water. thats a lie. im on the swim team, a swim alot even when im on my period. if its your first time using a tampon, go with your mom or sister or something to the store and get slim fit ones. it will make it more comfortable for you if you get the ones with the plastic taper-tipped applicators.

  5. haha no don't worry about them :]

    it's a little tough at first, trust me.

    But as you keep using them it gets better.

    You can't wear a pad when going swimming so use a tampon.

    You'll be fine!

  6. I'm not a fan of tampons. But if you want to really swim then you might need to try them. They are some that are not big and bulky. But in my opinion I would just try out one and see if you are comfortable with it.

  7. IMO=in my opinion i like pads better i have never tried a tampon and i dont want to but if your ganna go swimming then u should use a tampon for me i just would wait but its ur choose and good luck!

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