
Girls Only Please. Help?

by Guest21290  |  earlier

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So let me start off by saying that am not sexually active.

But anyways, ever since about 4 days ago, my C**t has been really swollen and is sensitive. I'm not sure what it could be, possibly a yeast infection? But that is the only symptom I am having. It has also been a little dry and rough. I shower daily, so it's not from being unclean.

This is kinda embarrassing, but I'm not sure what else to do because I wouldn't think it would be bad enough to see a doctor, but I'm not sure. Oh yeah, and I'm 15 if that matters.




  1. It's the heat. Trust me on this. Good Luck.

  2. it gets swollen when ur turned on

  3. i'd say you're spot on with the yeast infection.

    probably the most logical.

    i'd go to the doctor and have it checked out :)

  4. Well, since you're young, it's likely going to be more swollen and sensitive even when you're not 'in the mood', and you can blame your hormones for that. So, just as long as you're not experiencing any pain, I wouldn't worry about it.

    Dry and rough could be due to dry skin that can occur when you shower too often. I mean.. are you scrubbing it clean in an attempt to disinfect it? That would probably irritate it, if that's what you're doing.

    Give it some time.. I don't think this is worth a call to the doctor. But hey, this is just my opinion! It's truly your call.

    Good luck!  

  5. It is most likely a yeast infection. Are you on any antibiotics or medications. If so this could be the problem because they are known to cause yeast infections..

  6. s*x can wait, m********e!

  7. Have you changed soaps or anything like that?  Sometimes changing soap or laundry detergent can trigger some sort of reaction.  Yeast infections cause swelling, but are usually itchy.  I would say go see the doctor, that way you know for sure.  Don't be embarrassed, all women go through these issues.

  8. do you ride horses or anything in that nature?

    oh yeah you can't respond.

    dang it.

    i hate this thing.

    not really.

    but im no girl!

  9. I don't know what that could be. Ask your mom, she might have had the same problem before.

  10. please talk to a parent and see a doctor.  the internet is no place to solve such issues.  there are numerous answers to your problem, but only a doctor is qualified to give you the information you need.  women need to learn to take care of themselves.

  11. uhh, ask your mom???

  12. You may have inadvertedly scratched it, or you may be using too much soap. Soap is unneccisary. If you have a yeast infection, it will be relieved with some yoghurt applied to the area. It won't hurt trying that before seeing a doctor.

  13. I think the best thing is to consult a doctor even if it isn't that can't always trust the answers on-line,and professionally qualified doctors can assure you if something is wrong or not.Yup that might just work...

  14. see a doctor

  15. Don't be embarrassed because I have asked almost the same question once before!

    Honestly, I don't think this problem is serious enough to go to a doctor UNLESS it gets any worse and you start developing worse symptoms.

    Anyways, this could be a number of different things, you could be having a reaction to a different laundry detergent, could be from chlorine from pool water, or dirty lake water, could be puberty if you have yet to started your period, could be PMS, could be from a dirty tampon or pad, dirty panties etc.

    Don't worry, in a couple of days you'll be nice and fresh!

    Just make sure to clean down there when you shower, don't swim, make sure you wear clean panties and such, and you could buy yeast infection care if it starts to get more serious.

    Good luck!

  16. You do need to see a doctor.  STDs can be contracted without sexual activity.  If you have just started masturbating, this could happen for a while...   if that's the case, then no doctor, just don't m********e again until it calms down.  It is not a yeast infection.  Also try pulling back the hood and see if something has gotten stuck in there, and remove it.

  17. yeah it could be bad enough, thats somethin we girls have to watch out for......  i know how embarrassing it feels to see a strange doctor, and they touch you and its just awkward.....  i hate going to doctors,  but if its hurting and swollen it and could be an infection or even worse....  i dont wanna scare you or anything but cancer happens down there too, like HPV i guess has been runnin in my family and i hope i dont get it, but 2 of my cousins, and my aunt had it... soo.. i have to check too..

    you should really go find out to be sure its not something serious...

  18. its funny how u change ur av from a S****y pic to the av

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