
Girls...Pea coat or leather on a guy?

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which do you like better?




  1. Peacoat. It looks classier, it's more functional unless you are a Harley rider, and you look like you know how to dress yourself. It's not metro, but it looks more functional and stylish, at least to me.  

  2. LEATHER! haha

    it has that whole "tough guy look" (:

  3. Peacoat

  4. Peacoat. Just not the one pictured. It just looks like a plain cotton coat.

  5. No Doubt ~ Leather  

  6. leather

  7. i like both!!! SEXAAYYY!!

  8. i like both jackets but it depends on where your going. i wore a navy pea coat when i went to paris in april, i fit in and i looked casual but dressy at the same time. the leather jacket i would only where for more casual events during the day. but not in the evening unless its suits the occasion. wtf buy both jackets  

  9. leather! :)

  10. I love guys in peacoats...especially if you drive a jetta...I'll probably want to follow you home!

  11. Depends...

    Usually I like peacoats better (just a better color than the one in the picture) on guys.

    But the guy in the leather jacket looked cute in it!!

    So really it depends on how they look. :)

  12. hmmm well i guess it really depends on his body structure for me,

    so if you have muscles and your obnoxious and thinks your all that and a 'bad boy' then go for the leather

    but i would prefer the peacoat mainly because of what im around all the time and the lacrosse and brunches and all those things.

    I am usually around argyle cardigans and bow tie and scarves and stuff.

    But Anyways i prefer the peacoat

  13. peacoat. leather sucks

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