
Girls Please?

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Do you remove the hair in your private area? If so what age did you start doing it? I'm 13 and I plan on staying a virgin until I'm married, but I think shaving may be a good idea for swimming and stuff. One of my close friends just did it. Should I?




  1. Shaving has nothing to do with having s*x or being a virgin. Just shave if you want to. If you don't want the discomfort that sometimes comes with it, then trim it.

  2. I do it and have been since I was like 14 or 15.

  3. I started when I was like 13 1/2 er something. haha I don't like the hair there.. well, I don't shave it all.. More like half of it. hahaha

    I'd do what you're comfortable with, I mean, it's just for you to see, so go with what you want.

  4. If you want to. I started when I was 13 or 14. Shaving doesn't mean anything about losing your virginity or anything sexual. It's just personal preference.

  5. i am 13 and i just did a few weekd biggie. but it does itch!

  6. i was about 11. and i regret it nowadays. you get red bumps and ughh it just makes your skin very red

  7. Well I'm 13 and I do it. But I don't think it's the same for me because it's more like a mental thing. Like I don't want any hair there or I'll go crazy. Although that's just the type of person I am. SO if it disturbs you or you want to then go ahead.

  8. well.. pubic hair is there for a reason. for protection against viruses and bacteria that can easily enter by you know........... but if you shave it you hair will get thicker and darker and it'll itch bad around there............... and when you get older and want to hide your hair again it will be too much too hide. Just like legs when you shave them you can get cut (and you DO NOT want to get cut down there), just try to wear things like mini skirts that  can cover that part. (good luck and hope this helped)

  9. im fourteen and i've been doing it since i was twelve.

    good luck and be very careful <3

  10. i dont get what the big deal is about it! of course you wanna shave down there when you wear swim suits i mean why wouldnt you?? it doesnt mean your having s*x..

  11. umm im 14 and i have for a while

  12. I started shaving when I was 13 and I'm a swimmer too but I think you should wax instead because when you shave and the hair starts to grow back, it gets kinda itchy and also, waxing lasts longer so you don't have to worry about shaving so much.

  13. indeed i do.

    i started when i was fourteen. im 15 now.

    if u want to shave it then go ahead i would wax instead.. because if u shave u could like hurt urslef..

    good luck

  14. it is totally up to you and your prefferences. i am 14 and i still do not do it. if you do you just want to make sure you dont cut your self. hope i helped


  15. yeah if you wanna shave go for it.  you should definitely trim it first, because if not then your razor is gonna need to be cleaned after every stroke and it will take forever.  you could also consider waxing (ouch) or a hair removal cream (nair, veet).  use a really good shaving cream though, because your skin is gonna be super sensitive for a while and make sure you have a good razor (try like a venus or a mach 3-i only use men's razors!).  if you get any nicks or cuts, use a little neosporin or a&d ointment (you can find it either with the bandaids or with diaper rash creams) and wear cotton undies that aren't super tight around the legs.  other than that, i think you're good to go!!

  16. I did at that age, it makes you feel alot better and cleaner about yourself, trust me. You just have to keep up with it! But it's up to you(:

  17. Don't do it if you don't feel comfortable. Not gonna lie, it does start to itch when the hair is growing back in...then that makes you want to shave it...but because you had shaved not too long end up with red bumps. Ah, quite the sticky situation.

    But, anyway, why don't you just get some Nair? Put your bathing suit (or an old pair of underwear) on, and just rub Nair on the areas of hair that are visible. You could even shave that way.

  18. Hey....

    Iv'e been removing hair since i was 13.....and im now 18

    It does make you feel cleaner, and it helps alot when wearing a bathing suit, but it has absolutly nothing to do with been a virgin, or loosing your virginity at that.

    My advice would be to try it,,,,if you like it stick with it, if not then well stop and just trim when nessercary.

    Either way what ever you decide to do...Goodluck =]

  19. well it doesn't necessarily mean you have to shave it all you can just shave the bikini line but IT is all up to you
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