
Girls.. Sort of a personal question...?

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I had a lecture this morning for my paper about youth and the media. We were talking about body images today.

The lecturer had some really interesting statistics. One survey was done 50 years ago and I just wanted to know if the results would be still similar.

If you were in a group of friends, would you rather talk to them about your weight (i.e. tell them how much you weigh) or would you rather talk about masturbating?

Thanks. I hope this isn't too personal! I'm not a creepy old man lol.




  1. About my weight, definitely. I have before... and masturbating is a bit of a touchy subject, as some people are against it.

    Good luck!

  2. I have a feeling females would prefer to talk about their weight.

  3. my weight,

    i think talking about masturbating is kind of akward

  4. Weight is much less embarrassing, unless I weighed like 400 pounds, lol.

  5. It just depends on how close the group of friends are.

    If extremely close, then it really does not matter what they talk about..

    I would rather talk about my weight though if it were me..

  6. Weight is probably a better topic unless you and your friends are super tight then it shouldnt matter

  7. my weight cause it would be more comfortable than talking about mastubating cause my friends can be really immature and very perverted

  8. masturbating because you can joke about it/.

  9. This is an EXTREMELY difficult decision, but I'd have to go with masturbation.

    Thank you and good day

    p.s.  I am a thin gal, but down here most gals aren't

  10. i would much rather talk about weight.

    i've only talked about masturbating with one person, and she's my best friend.

  11. my weight, having a conversation about masturbation is just too akward!  especially with a *group* of friends

  12. I would rather talk about weight.

    No one talks about masterbation anymore.

  13. I would definitely rather talk about my weight.

  14. as much as i hate talking about weight (especially mine) i'd rather do that. masturbation is just too personal... no matter how close the group is

  15. Id rather talk about my weight..

    Masturbation is just too personal to talk about with friends...

  16. masturbating

  17. ummm my friends?



    i dont like to talk about weight, i have to many other things to worry bout.

  18. masturbating.....i feel very uncomfortable talking about how much I weigh

  19. My weight. Even though I'm not that content with it, I'd rather talk about that than masterbating.

  20. Much prefer to talk about the weight thing, its not as personal, although i probly wouldnt tell my exact weight right down to the last number, i would fib a little lol

  21. I'd rather talk about my weight...

    But I can talk to my real friends about anything!

  22. i would rather talk about weight its not as personal and everyone weighs somthing and not everyone masturbates

  23. Weight!!!  Not that it's my favorite subject by any means, but I don't discuss masturbation with my friends!! lol

    We joke about our s*x lives and husbands, but that's the extent of it.

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