
Girls..What was this?

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Okay, in October 2 years ago (I was 11) I had brown stuff in my underwear. Then in May this year I had brown stuff for 1 day then some red stuff. I also was practicing with tampons and when I took it out right after I put it in there was blood on it. What was that?




  1. that is your period.

  2. ur period.

  3. Your period DUH!  You shouldn't wear tampons, when you 1st started.  You need to wear pads, for a while.

  4. Its your period...congrats on becoming a woman...!

  5. that's your period...the brown stuff was "spotting". you don't need to use a tampon for that but you can.  you could just wear a panty liner.  your flow will get heavier.  talk to your mom and ask her to get you some pads, panty liners, and tampons.  good luck!

  6. the brown stuff is called "spotting". You're just starting your period. Also, you may have (though its unlikely) broken your hymen by inserting the tampon wrong, and that caused some bleeding.

  7. Yep, that's your period.

    Next time you see brown/red blood, use pads.

    I suggest not using tampons because your period is just starting and you should know it's flow first.

  8. I think it was the start of your period.

    You'll probably be getting the real thing soon.

  9. your perioddd obvs.

  10. You might have broken your hymen there with the tampon. So i guess its goodbye to first time s*x pains lol. You are becoming a woman and u r likely to have your period soon since you have started spotting (brown discharge).
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