
Girls: When its time of the month?

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Do you put on loads of weight when your due on? i do and it starts about 2 weeks before i come on:(... apparently you can put on up to a stone




  1. I've never had that. But I do get other signs when I'm about to come on.

  2. I heard that it was up to a stone?

    anyway, thats normal its water weight or something.

  3. i think up to a stone is a bit much but you will put on a few pounds due to water retention , it doesnt last long and you can take water retention tablets as long as you consult your doctor first

  4. Well i just look bloated and then when i come off im fine but gradually start the cycle off alllll again

  5. Yes.

  6. no i just wanna kill someone!

  7. i put on a little extra water weight and i feel bloated which makes me feel bigger than i am and it is true that you can put up to half a stone as it can actually make you go up a cup size being on your period.

  8. Not noticeable weight.. I feel bloated though. Weight's the least of my worries, I wanna control my temper as I come on  

  9. Yes I do, it starts about a week before and ends a week after. It is about3 to 5 pounds I gain.

  10. I put quite a bit of weight on but it just dissapears afterwards.

  11. yeah and im a bit moody too when i get on it !  

  12. I also roared like a lion when I had my periods a fat waddling lion that made my family scatter. Next week a purring p***y cat that was sylph like and a yummy mummy.

  13. I put up to 5 pounds, but I'm chubby, taking contraceptives the new ones  with low hormonal contents , and diuretics make it better, in nicaragua are called "jasmin " chek with your doctor.

  14. I gain about 2 pounds from bloating during it but when its over I loose the 2 pounds but thats it.

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