
Girls...When itz Ramadan how do you tell guyz.....?

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your on your period?Itz emberrassing especially if the guy isn't related to you...or is your older brother!( he knows...but he just wants to bother me!)

I just say that "I'm not feeling well"...but that is lying...

Or when non-muslims asks when aren't you allowed not to fast....

well Muslimahs how do you just tell people?





  2. I usually just lie to people and tell them im fasting so they dont know im in my period !i, its no ones business!i

  3. There's no need to tell them in the first place. Just don't eat or drink around them and they wont know any better!

  4. I just say I am on my period **** off, then i start crying....yeah i am so emotional the whole time. anything can set me off lol

  5. there is nothing to be embarrassed. Just tell them u cant fast coz u have valid reasons

  6. my brothers know about it, and understand after the first time we told them about it.

    but i dont eat in front of anyone, i eat privately

    and yes, i do, the rule is, if your on your period, you have to feed the little kids, and keep them away from the ones who are fasting, when its time to eat. and im just sitting there watching them stuff their faces. oh gosh i love ramadan.

  7. Why not just say, "I'm excused from it this week."  That may even be too much information!  Just say that you aren't required to fast because of health reasons.  Why would you have to explain to guys?  Women have more excuses for not observing the fast, and people should just be tactful and tolerant.  

    PS Never use text spelling unless you are on the phone!  You can spell guys just as easily as guyz, and its just as easily as itz.

  8. Yeahh.. i always get that too. But just tell them that you can't keep them or pray , it's a girls thing. When i say it's a girls thing or it's personal, my Bro always knows not to ask more questions lol.

    My mom told my dad that women can't pray when they're on their periods and not to bother the girls if they say they're not well. He knows and i'm sure he's told my brother because he doesn't ask questions either.

    For the guys who arn't related, i think it's easier, because they all know about it, 4 words that'll shut the up... Time of the month ! lol. We all learn it in school, so don't be embarrased to say it.  

  9. There should be no embarrassment in having your period or explaining to someone why you cannot fast, if you don't want to lie-----its a natural part of being a woman------nothing shameful about that!

  10. i just say that i am not fasting because there are reasons that allah says i cannot fast due to mother nature but dont be embarrased its normal and its what allah ordained for us, the prophet pbuh talked about womens periods

    wth? thumbs down, say that i am lying , this is the way allah made us and its in the hadeeth that the prophet pbuh talked aobut womens periods, women would even ask the prophet pbuh,

  11. Honesty is the best policy. =)

    Jus be honest with them and tell them its my time of the month ;]

    lol.. that'll scare them away ;p


  12. If I'm at work (and they know when it's Ramadan because I tell them and they let me off sometimes to prepare Iftar) and they see me not fasting and they ask I usually tell them that "If a person is ill, or a woman has her period or is pregnant, they can't fast" Then the rest is up to their imagination. LOL...last year....

    My Boss: Why aren't you fasting today? Is Ramadan over?

    Me: Nope, I just can't fast?

    Boss: Oh, really? Why?

    Me: If a person is sick, or a woman has her period, or is pregnant, they can't fast.

    Boss: Oh are you sick?

    Me: No.

    Boss: Oh my gosh!!! Are you pregnant???

    Me: No.

    Boss. *long pause* ohhh.....right.....

    LOL. And I don't really feel left out when I make up the days, but I feel left out when everyone is around me fasting. I want to fast too!  

  13. i think you show or you pretend that you are fasting  

  14. when non-Muslims ask, I think as a form of dawah you should tell them and explain the wisdom behind it.  As for your relatives, if they are older of course they know why so its pretty ridiculous on their part.  I would just ignore them, tell them to mind their business or say "because I am not praying."

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