
Girls/Women...ladies in general, would u?

by  |  earlier

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Would you be okay if your boyfriend flirts openly?

How about if he flirts in secret?

I have a friend and I over heard her boyfriend tell this girl "flirting doesn't hurt anyone" They were flirting back and forth. How would you respond if you knew that your boyfriend thought like this?

Do you think I should tell her?




  1. h**l yes i would tell her! she needs to know her man is a dirty b*****d!

  2. When you are involved with someone, flirting is alright as long as it is harmless and doesn't lead anywhere but flirting as a prelude to a pickup is not alright.

    flirting in front of your SO is rude, just as openly ogling other people is rude.

  3. Yes you should tell her - you are doing a good deed so I think you should.

  4. I'd dump him. Don't tell her just because she might already know and it really isn't any of your business.

    Answer mine?;...

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